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Sunset Students reading together.
Educating the Whole Child

From the very first day students step into our schools their education and social-emotional wellbeing are prioritized. Through various educational programs, staff support, and more, students excel in learning how to be the best individual they can be.

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Liberty High School Sports Medicine.
A Vision for ISD

Our Strategic Plan was developed with a strong emphasis on staff, family and student voice to ensure that everyone in our community is represented. Our vision statement, along with our mission statement and priority focus areas will guide our work over the next three years. 

Vision: All students thrive as they engage in meaningful learning that unlocks their passion and potential to positively impact the world. 

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Issaquah Valley Elementary Students.
Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders

Whether student interests lie with STEM curriculum, the arts or somewhere in between, there is something for everyone in the Issaquah School District. Students can explore their passions through advanced courses or take an entirely unique, project-based approach as they transform from today's pupils into tomorrow's leaders.

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Skyline High School IB Physics
Learning Locally, Excelling Globally

We believe that every stage of a student's educational and emotional growth, be it elementary, middle or high school, is important. Our schools offer well-rounded curriculum with an abundance of extracurricular activities to build students ready to take on the world. 

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Every Student. Every Day.

Our students will be prepared for and eager to accept the academic, occupational, personal and practical challenges of life in a dynamic global environment.

Students learning in a STEM classroom

Academic Excellence

Issaquah School District students will be prepared and confident in their ability to pursue post-high school education or training. Our alumnae are problem solvers, critical thinkers, and creative in all aspects of their lives.

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Students collecting items at toy drive

Civic Engagement 

Students will understand and respect their freedoms and responsibilities as members of the ISD community and global world at large. They will move forward in all aspects of their lives by applying the ethical and equitable values fostered in their education.

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Smiling and hugging

Developing Resilience

Students will receive extensive social-emotional support each year of their educational career. In addition, they will learn life skills to support all aspects of their growth, including collaboration, goal setting, physical health, creativity, and resilience.

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Happening Now in the ISD

News Panel

Liberty High School Sports Medicine classroom

We’re kicking off Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month with a behind-the-scenes look at a cranial nerves lab in a Sports Medicine class taught by Morten Orren at Liberty High School! This lab is an example of how students gain real-world skills for the future through CTE courses. The Sports Medicine program is designed to give students a head start on medical or health careers.

  • CTE Credit
  • High School
Read More about CTE Spotlight: Sports Medicine Students Put Their Senses to the Test

Social Panel

Announcements Panel

Explore the Issaquah School District

Whatever your background, wherever you’re from, we are excited you’re here! Our diversity is a big part of what makes our schools great. No one racial group makes up a majority of our student body, and a significant portion are new to the United States — our families speak 95 different languages at home. Learning in an environment rich with different cultures and perspectives benefits all students and better prepares them for life in a global community.

Custom Class: map-container-2

district map
district map
  • Key Cities
  • Major Employers
  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • High School

A Beautiful Place To Live

The Issaquah School District is located just 17 miles from the heart of downtown Seattle and close to offices of major employers, including Amazon, Starbucks, Microsoft, Costco, Facebook, and Google. Our beautiful location in East King County is removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, but close enough to visit regularly. It also provides easy access to SeaTac airport, local sports venues, as well as skiing, hiking, and other outdoor activities in the Cascade Mountains.

For an official boundary map visit our Find Your School page.

A Beautiful Place To Learn

The ISD’s 27 schools are located across 110 square miles and within seven cities. Our schools educate nearly 18,500 students, with an increasingly diverse population as our region continues to grow and flourish.Our schools have high levels of parental involvement, with most of our Parent-Teacher-Student Associations having close to 100 percent membership. While our schools are always academically celebrated, their true character shines through the passion, compassion, creativity, and diverse interests of students and staff.

For an official boundary map visit our Find Your School page.

Apollo Elementary
Briarwood Elementary
Cascade Rige Elementary
Cedar Trails Elementary
Challenger Elementary
Clark Elementary
Cougar Ridge Elementary
Creekside Elementary
Discovery Elementary
Endeavour Elementary
Grand Ridge Elementary
Issaquah Valley Elementary
Maple Hills Elementary
Newcastle Elementary
Sunny Hills Elementary
Sunset Elementary
Beaver Lake Middle School
Cougar Mountain Middle School
Issaquah Middle School
Maywood Middle School
Pacific Cascade Middle School
Pine Lake Middle School
Echo Glen
Gibson Ek High School
Issaquah High School
Liberty High School
Skyline High School
Issaquah City
Issaquah City

By the Numbers


National Board Certified Teachers

Our teachers are passionately committed to their craft. A high number have earned National Board Certification, the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education.


4-year Graduation Rate

High School students learn the skills needed to excel in managing their time and many responsibilities, leading to a high graduation rate as they head into the next phase of life.


Post-Secondary Education Enrollment

ISD high school graduates are prepared and eager to enter the post-secondary educational world at colleges, universities and vocational schools across the globe.


STEM and CTE Courses

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and Career and Technical Education (CTE) are key focuses for our middle and high school students, both in the classroom and extracurricular activities.



More than 9,916 parents and community members worked hand in hand with our staff members as volunteers during the 2022-23 school year.


Equity Professional Development Opportunities

Since 2016, we have offered staff 280 professional development opportunities to support the important work of identifying and eliminating biases and inequities that are based on race, gender, status, sexual orientation and other factors.


Specialized Pre-K and Elementary School Programs

A range of specialized programs give our youngest learners a strong start. These include Dual Language, Highly Capable (Gifted), Social Emotional support, Transition to Kindergarten, special education preschool and many others.


Middle and High School Sports and Clubs Participants

Students are highly active within their school communities, with thousands choosing to participate in extracurricular and athletics offerings each year.

Images of paragliders over the Issaquah Valley

Upcoming Events

Select your calendar...

ISD Administration Building, Mt. Rainier Room



Issaquah School District Special Services Department will be convening the Family and Community Partnership Committee again for the 2024 – 25 School Year. This committee is developed to bring together families, staff, and community members from the Issaquah School District Community to work collaboratively to enrich the lives of students with disabilities. We hope you can join us! Please fill out this form to express interest in joining and to provide questions or comments about the work of the committee.

   Time: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

   Dates: Recurring monthly (January 9, February 13 , March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12)

   Location: Mt. Rainier Room


QR code

Administration Building, 5150 220th Ave SE, Issaquah, WA

Please note the agenda and materials may be modified up to 24 hours prior to the meeting; after that time, any agenda modifications will be addressed at the meeting.

ISD Administration Building, 5150 220th Ave. SE, Issaquah, WA 98029

The Special Services Department is seeking ISD students to join our Special Services Student Advisory Group and help us improve Special Education programming in the Issaquah School District.

Students* interested in participating in this advisory group will utilize their unique and personal experiences and perspectives to serve as advisors to help shape programs and improve Special Education Programming within the Issaquah School District.

*Parent/Guardian permission is required - approval is requested in the Student Advisory Group Interest Form linked below. All interested ISD students are encouraged to join; sub-committees are available for elementary, middle, high school, and transition-aged students.

Please complete our Student Advisory Group Interest Form or scan the QR code below to complete this form.

Meeting Information:

  • The Special Services Student Advisory Group will meet from 4:15-5:15 p.m. in person at the ISD Administration Building.
Virtual - Zoom

Science Technology Magnet Program Enrollment Registration Open March 1 through March 31

Families of current third graders: Are you interested in enrolling your student in our Science Technology Magnet Program? Issaquah School District offers three programs serving 4th and 5th grade students in unique multi-age classrooms. Each magnet program site serves 50+ students in a two-year program. Each program covers all standard 4th and 5th grade district adopted curriculum, with an added emphasis on science and technology. Grade specific math instruction is provided.

The Science Technology Magnet Program enrollment registration and lottery process is entirely online. Families interested in entering their student in the enrollment lottery for this program must attend the Family Informational Webinar and complete the enrollment application. The enrollment application is available on the Science Technology Magnet Program website. Applications will be accepted March 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025.

Please register for the Student and Family Informational Webinar:

  • When: February 27, 2025 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Topic: Science Technology Magnet Program Family Information Webinar · Register in advance for this webinar
    • After registering, participants will receive an email with the Zoom meeting link by February 26, 2025.
Admin - Board Room

The School Board will hold a retreat / work session

March 3, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

March 4, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Board Directors and ISD Administrators will meet in person in the Admin Building boardroom,

5150 220th Avenue SE Issaquah, WA 98029.


This meeting is open to the public, however there will be no public input and no board action will be taken.  Board retreats are work sessions.  Any action resulting from the discussions will take place at a future board meeting.  The public is always welcome to send any comments to the Board at


The agenda will be posted soon.

Virtual - Zoom

*March 3 - 5th grade transition to Middle School – An information night for families new to the US from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm via Zoom Course selection information, elective class options such as orchestra and choir, PE/Health classes, sports, clubs, health/immunization, costs/fees, supplies.



*Please note: This event was originally scheduled for Feb. 27, 2025

Admin - Board Room

The School Board will hold a retreat / work session

March 3, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

March 4, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Board Directors and ISD Administrators will meet in person in the Admin Building boardroom,

5150 220th Avenue SE Issaquah, WA 98029.


This meeting is open to the public, however there will be no public input and no board action will be taken.  Board retreats are work sessions.  Any action resulting from the discussions will take place at a future board meeting.  The public is always welcome to send any comments to the Board at


The agenda will be posted soon.

Administration Building, 5150 220th Ave SE, Issaquah, WA

The agenda and meeting details will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Please note the agenda and materials may be modified up to 24 hours prior to the meeting; after that time, any agenda modifications will be addressed at the meeting.


This meeting will move to MARCH 13, 2025 if there is a snow day prior to March 12, 2025 and March 14, 2025 becomes a make-up snow day.

Cougar Ridge Elementary
Cougar Ridge Elementary