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As a reminder to families, please print any report cards, test scores or other information that you may want to have a copy of while Skyward Family Access is not available from February 11-23. Family Access will be completely unavailable while our district upgrades the student information system from Skyward 2.0 to Skyward “Qmlativ.”
- General Announcement
- Upcoming Event
In her February community video message, Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick reiterates the staff commitment to our families, addresses the district's academic excellence and offers reminders about the February 11 school election and the new Capital Projects Oversight Committee.
- Bond
- Capital Projects
- Superintendent
Issaquah School District is asking voters to consider Proposition 1 in the February 11 school election. Today we're sharing information about the validation requirement for the bond proposal, along with five more myths and factual answers.
- Bond
- Capital Projects
- Construction
Members of the School Board met on January 30 and heard updates about the February 11 school election; works in progress; two recent community meetings; the Student Representative to the School Board program; a Capital Projects Update and more.
- Bond
- Capital Projects
- Construction
- School Board
- Superintendent
Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick was grateful to have the opportunity to talk with community members and business owners during the annual State of the City Breakfast hosted by the Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce. The event also included updates from Mayor Mary Lou Pauly and Police Chief Paula Schwan.
Elementary report cards for the first semester are live and available for parent viewing on Family Access. Directions for how you can access and view your student’s report card can be found on the district website. Blank translations of the report cards are also available on the district website in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Russian.
- Elementary School
- Report Cards
Families of current third graders: Are you interested in enrolling your student in our Science Technology Magnet Program? Issaquah School District offers three programs serving fourth and fifth grade students in unique multi-age classrooms. Each magnet program site serves students in a two-year program. Details about enrollment process and upcoming required family information webinar enclosed.
- Elementary Education
The Special Services Family and Community Partnership Committee will meet on Thursday, January 9 from 4:30-6 p.m. at the ISD Administration Building. This committee is developed to bring together families, staff, and community members from the Issaquah School District Community to work collaboratively to enrich the lives of students with disabilities. Details and link to interest form is enclosed.
- Elementary Education
- High School
- Middle School
- Special Services
The 2025 Great Careers event will take place on Thursday, February 27 at Bellevue College. Organized by The Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, the goal of the event is to educate high school students about exciting careers they can pursue through on-the-job training, the military, certification, apprenticeships, or two-year college programs. Details enclosed.
- College and Career Center
- Gibson Ek High School
- High School
- Issaquah High School
- Liberty High School
- Skyline High School
Registered voters should have received their ballots last week for the updated February 11 school bond, which will fund projects at every school site for safety and security, along with easing overcrowding at the high school level. Check out today's video, which shares five facts about the bond.
- Bond
- Capital Projects
- Construction