Bond Would Fund Improvements Districtwide
The November 5 School Modernization and Construction Bond would fund projects across the entire district. So, what does that mean for your child's school?
Our bond information website includes a complete list of projects by location so you can see how the bond will impact your student or the schools in your student's feeder pattern.
While some projects differ, every school in our district will receive safety and security updates. They will also receive modernizations to meet requirements and increase energy efficiency. Learn more about the bond, including answers to common questions, on our website.
Today is the deadline to register online to vote in the election, but registration is available in person at a King County Elections Center until Election Day. Visit their website to learn more.
For additional resources about the bond, scroll to the bottom of this announcement. The below map shows where projects would occur if the bond is approved, and what type of projects are planned.
Bond facts and information resources:
- Videos about the proposed bond measure are available on our YouTube Channel.
- Bond 2024 Fact Sheet.
- Bond 2024 Mailer.
- King County Assessor's Office Tax Increase Estimation Tool.
If you have remaining questions after reviewing the information, you can reach out to us via email at