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Building Healthy Technology Habits in a Digital Age

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As part of the Issaquah School District’s commitment to preparing students for success, the district's Educational Technology Department prioritizes the development of digital citizenship and personal safety skills. Through the district's weekly 411 Bulletin, we hope to provide more information about technology for students in the district, and resources for families as they navigate parenting a child in the digital age. 

Developing healthy digital habits is something many parents grapple with. The use of technology is embedded into so much of what we do, from looking up information, to using GPS to navigate to a destination, to socializing with friends through social media or online games, it is often hard to know when to encourage the use of technology and when to restrict the use of technology.

The American Academy of Pediatrics article “Kids & Tech: 12 Tips for Parents in the Digital Age,” provides information for families on building and maintaining healthy digital habits. Some of the tips include creating screen free time and space within your home as well as helping children recognize what is real and not real online. The "Kids and Tech: How Much is Too Much?" video by Common Sense Media provides suggestions on how much tech is appropriate by age and how to build and maintain healthy digital habits. The author discusses limits as well as the different types of technology kids may be accessing and how not all types of technology use have the same impact on well-being. 


  • Educational Technology
  • Elementary School
  • High School
  • Middle School