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New District Regulation Limiting Immigration Enforcement; Resources for Families

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We’re pleased to share that our new Immigration & Refugee Resources page is now live on our website, offering information and support for all families in our district. The page outlines key protections and policies, including newly adopted Regulation 4300: Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools, which underscores our commitment to creating a safe, welcoming environment where every child — regardless of immigration status — can thrive. Our goal is to equip families with clear knowledge of their rights and assurance that our schools prioritize the dignity and well-being of every student. 

On this webpage, you’ll find practical guidance on:

  • Every child’s right to attend school, regardless of immigration status.
  • Our commitment to protecting student privacy and not sharing immigration-related information.
  • Steps we take to ensure our schools remain safe and welcoming for all families.
  • How we prevent unauthorized immigration enforcement on campus.
  • Resources for immigrant families including legal services, educational opportunities and available benefits.

Visit the new page on our website to read the new regulation and learn more about family resources and supports. 

  • Equity