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Reminder: School Board Listening Sessions About Bond Tonight

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As a reminder, the School Board is hosting two listening sessions to hear from community members; and the district also reconvened the Bond Advisory Committee that helped plan the measure, to ask for committee members' thoughts. All community members are invited to the listening sessions:

  • 5:30-6:45 p.m. on December 9 at Pine Lake Middle School.
  • 7:30-8:45 p.m. on December 9 at Cougar Mountain Middle School.

The $642.3 million bond would have funded Safety and Security Updates districtwide; High School Capacity and Program Expansion districtwide; Building Modernization and Energy Efficiency districtwide; and projects related to Student Support, Well Being and Athletics districtwide. The measure was approved by 50.08% (29,581) of voters, and rejected by 49.92% (29,487) of voters. Bond measures require a supermajority of 60% approval in order to pass.

School Board members discussed the bond and next steps during their November 14 meeting. In case you missed it, we shared a full recap in our November 18 bulletin. The directors asked staff to prepare a possible future measure with no tax increase; and also the feasibility of contingency plans to accommodate over capacity enrollment at the high school level, in case a potential future bond measure fails. 

In addition to the listening sessions and the Bond Advisory Committee meeting, the district also hosted a ThoughtExchange (virtual community conversation) that was open from November 18 through December 4.

  • Bond
  • Capital Projects
  • Construction