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2024 School Modernization and Construction Bond

Students walk outside together


Safety &

  • Update intercom systems, and visitor, entry access, and building monitoring systems.
  • Replace approximately 1,600 outdated security cameras districtwide.
  • Install anti-intruder window coverings.
  • Improve perimeter security, including driveway gates and additional fencing, where needed.
  • Continue to upgrade or replace fire alarm systems, where needed.


Cost: $17,900,000

Icon Safety


Liberty High School Graduates


High School Capacity & Program Expansion

  • Remodel all high schools to expand career preparation and real-world learning, including health sciences, design, manufacturing, engineering, and more.
  • Construct a new high school to reduce overcrowding, improve student learning experiences and support mental health and well-being.
  • Add space districtwide to develop new and innovative programs and expand access to specialized training such as certifications, internships, and work experiences.

Cost: $261,300,000

Icon Program Expansion


Creekside Elementary School


Building Modernization & Efficiency

  • Replace or repair aging roofs at 27 sites.
  • Repair or update:
    • Heating and cooling systems at 26 sites.
    • Plumbing, exterior walls, and windows to extend the life of our buildings.
    • Audio and visual technology systems to support modern learning.
    • Kitchen areas and equipment at 20 sites.
  • Upgrade and install new lighting and control systems to improve cost efficiency and sustainability at 25 sites.

Cost: $317,045,000

Icon Modernization


Pine Lake students on field with Track uniforms


Student Support, Well-Being & Athletics

  • Make safety and accessibility enhancements at elementary school play areas by replacing surfaces, drains, and old equipment to support inclusive environments for all students.
  • Add or upgrade accessibility features for students with disabilities, which may include sensory spaces, assistive technology, learning spaces and playgrounds.
  • Install lighting at three middle school sports fields to increase safety and community access.
  • Replace synthetic turf and resurface tracks at two high schools and three middle schools.

Cost: $46,100,000

Icon Student Supports




Bond Icon

Issaquah School District is asking the community to consider a $642.3 million school modernization and construction bond in the Nov. 5, 2024 election

The state provides minimal funding for school construction and modernization, which is why school districts rely on local, voter-approved bond funding. Funding from the bond would be used to modernize buildings and infrastructure, giving every student in our district access to secure schools and innovative learning experiences that prepare them for their future. Bond funding would preserve our investment in facilities and ensure efficient and sustainable operations.

Cougar Mountain MS Field

Why a bond? 

Our last bond was approved in 2016. We are responsible for updating facilities to preserve our community’s investments and ensure schools are safe, modern, and energy efficient.

The 2024 bond was developed with a volunteer committee of community members, alumni, staff members, parents, and students. This bond addresses critical safety concerns, infrastructure needs, and high school overcrowding, while also building capacity for innovative, flexible learning experiences that will prepare our students for the future.

What is the Cost? 

Student wearing goggles works on lab

The bond is estimated to cost 29 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. For a $1,000,000 home, this is approximately $24/month ($290/year).

The total combined rate of all levies and bonds is estimated to be $3.42 per $1,000 of assessed property value, lower than the previous 20-year average of $3.91.

students in field



More information about the bond and answers to common questions can be found at:

2024 Bond Tax Chart comparing tax rates from 2004 to 2040

The 2024 total combined tax rate for the Issaquah School District is $3.13 per $1,000 assessed value. Tax rates in the chart above were calculated using 2024 assessed values. Read more about tax information on our website.

Projects By Location

Schools and Facilities
Safety & Security Updates
High School Capacity & Program Expansion
Building Modernization & Energy Efficiency
Student Support, Well-Being & Athletics

Elementary Schools

School Name Safety & Security Updates Building Modernization & Energy Efficiency High School Capacity & Program Expansion Student Support, Well-Being & Athletics
Cascade Ridge
Cedar Trails
Cougar Ridge
Grand Ridge
Issaquah Valley
Maple Hills
Sunny Hills

Middle Schools

School Name Safety & Security Updates Building Modernization & Energy Efficiency High School Capacity & Program Expansion Student Support, Well-Being & Athletics
Beaver Lake
Cougar Mountain
Issaquah Middle
Pacific Cascade
Pine Lake

High Schools

School Name Safety & Security Updates Building Modernization & Energy Efficiency High School Capacity & Program Expansion Student Support, Well-Being & Athletics
Gibson Ek
Issaquah High
Proposed New High School

Other Facilities

Facility Name Safety & Security Updates Building Modernization & Energy Efficiency High School Capacity & Program Expansion Student Support, Well-Being & Athletics
ACT Campus
Administrative Center
Holly Street Early Learning Center
May Valley Service Center
Main Transportation Center
Plateau Transportation Center