2020 Levy Development Committee Charter
Superintendent Ron Thiele
To advise the Superintendent as he prepares a recommendation for the school board to approve a levy issue for the 2020 ballot.
Time Frame
- May - June 2019: Levy Development Committee meets on non-school-board meeting Wednesdays.
- August 14, 2019: Superintendent presents recommendation to School Board, which may devise its own process to present and test the recommendation in the wider community before adoption.
Recommend for Superintendent Thiele’s approval the proposed content, total cost, and tax impact of a single 2 year ballot measure:
- Educational Programs and Operations Levy (Formerly named the Maintenance & Operations Levy)
Aiming to keep local school taxes stable, each levy package will include funding essential to:
- Ensure the Issaquah School District has all the resources possible to meet its mission and Ends student learning goals;
- Safely and efficiently, maintain facilities and property according to state and District use standards and
- Community representative from each school - 24
- Principals from each region and grade span - 9
- Volunteers for Issaquah Schools - 1
- PTSA Council - 1
- Issaquah Education Association - 1
- Classified staff representative - 1
- Business representatives - 1
- Senior community representatives - 1
- Community-at-large - 2
Selection Criteria
Balanced representation; ability to represent constituency effectively; willingness to attend meetings and contribute to consensus process. Site Council/Principals will select each school’s representative; administrators will work with each of the other groups to select its representative(s).
Technical Team
A technical team composed of the Chief of Finance and Operations, Deputy Superintendent, Executive Director of Finance and Support Services, and Executive Director of Communications will provide facilitation, admin support, and guidance with all technical information and data.