Levies 2022
Three local education levies to support equal access to education for every student
Voters in the Issaquah School District approved three key levy measures to help continue funding for programs and positions not fully paid for by the state, such as school nurses, counselors and mental health supports, special education, and safety and security; as well as technology, critical repairs and construction. These funding measures help us ensure equal access to education for all of our students.
Certified results from the April 26, 2022 Special Election results show that 23,123 ballots were counted; 31.31% of the registered voters participated in the election.
The certified results state:
- Prop. 1, Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy, 54.59% “yes.”
- Prop. 2, Capital (Technology & Construction) Levy, 51.67% “yes.”
- Prop. 3, Transportation (School Bus) Levy, 62.28% “yes.”
Each of the three levy measures passed, having received more than the required 50% plus one vote in order to be approved.
The total combined rate, including the three measures below, is projected to be $3.56 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The average rate from 2021-2022 for the previous measures was $3.51 per $1,000 of assessed property value. All local education levy dollars stay in our district to support Issaquah School District students, staff and schools.
Prop. 1:
Renewal Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy
The EP&O Replacement Levy represents 15.6% of the district’s revenue. It will continue funding for student services, academic programs and support services. These include day-to-day school operations not fully funded by the state, such as safety and security, special education, nurses, school counselors, mental health support and more.
Prop. 2:
Renewal Capital (Technology and Construction) Levy
The Capital Replacement Levy includes technology and building updates. These projects maintain safety in buildings throughout our district (HVAC, roof repairs and more). This measure also would help complete the construction of High School #4, which will relieve crowding at our existing comprehensive high schools.
Prop. 3:
(School Bus) Levy
The 1-year measure would pay to purchase 64 buses when combined with state reimbursement dollars. This keeps our buses current, up to date with state safety standards, and maximizes bus efficiency to transportation reduce costs.
Read more about our
Transportation Levy.
Why do school districts ask for local levy funding?
There is a gap between what the state funds for K-12 education and what Issaquah School District (ISD) students need. The ISD asks voters to renew the Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) and Capital levies to continue the primary funding source for technology used by students, teachers, school staff, and administrators, and for facility system safety upgrades and improvements.
The state does not provide funding for construction of new schools to accommodate student growth, and provides limited funding for rebuilding aging facilities. Local districts are responsible for collecting construction dollars via construction levies and bonds.
The money the ISD collects from local, voter-approved education levies stays in the district. We use these funds to provide the quality of education that our students and families expect, and to ensure our students have safe, welcoming schools that support student success.
Key Levy Election Dates
- Jan. 27, 2022: ISD Board of Directors approves the Transportation Levy for April 26, 2022 election.
- Feb. 10, 2022: ISD Board of Directors approves EP&O and Capital Levy for April 26, 2022 election.
- April 6, 2022: King County Elections mails ballots to homes of registered voters in the Issaquah School District.
- April 18, 2022: Deadline to register or update your voter registration by mail.
- Tuesday, April 26, 2022: Election Day — Last day to register in person. ISD voters make a decision on each of the three levy propositions; ballots due by 8 p.m.