The address of High School 4 will be 4200 228th Ave. S.E., Issaquah, WA 98029, where Providence Heights College and City Church were formerly located.
In 2012, King County land use policies were changed to prohibit the siting of new schools outside of the urban growth boundary (UGA). These changes eliminated our district’s ability to use a land banked 80-acre site located outside of the UGA.
The district’s school boundaries include the entirety of the City of Issaquah, portions of the cities of Bellevue, Newcastle, Renton, and Sammamish, and portions of unincorporated King County. The district’s 110 square mile boundaries include areas both within and outside of the UGA boundaries, with the majority of that land (approximately 70 percent) located outside of the UGA boundary.
The district reviewed 69 separate parcels of publicly and privately owned property located within the UGA. Many potential sites were eliminated due to critical area limitations, topography concerns, access restrictions, public land restrictions, and/or locations in areas far from student populations.
The property located at 4200 228th Ave. SE, Issaquah, WA 98029 was the only site identified in the district’s six-year search of properties in the UGA and across the district as suitable for the new high school and elementary school in terms of developable land availability and student location.