Cedar Trails Elementary School 1608
Cedar Trails Elementary School, formerly known as E-16, is ISD's newest elementary school. The 78,000 square foot facility has 26 classrooms, can house approximately 650 students and was completed in August 2021.
Cedar Trails Elementary School 1608
Original Project Estimate: | $36,500,000 |
Estimated Final Project Cost: | $53,209,514 |
Funding Source: | 2016 Bond |
Project Status: | Complete |
Architect: | Cornerstone Architectural Group |
Contractor: | Cornerstone General Contractors |
Estimated Completion: | September 2021 |
Final Completion: | September 2021 |
Address: | 4399 Issaquah-Pine Lake Road, Issaquah |
Website: | Cedar Trails Elementary School |
Construction is substantially complete. School is open.
- Structural steel erection nearing completion. Concrete for SOMD (slab on metal deck) being placed.
- Roofing system installation at classroom wing underway.
- On-site waterline loop installation nearing completion. Still awaiting approval from adjoining condominium complex to allow us to tie-in the required secondary water main connection.
- Rough-in of mechanical, plumbing and electrical in classroom wing underway.
- Continuing to work with the City of Sammamish on remainder of permits, including Issaquah-Pine Lake Road frontage improvements.
- Scheduled opening - Fall 2021
- Structural steel erection well underway. Classroom wing erection complete. Remainder of steel erection to begin the week of 11/30/2020.
- Main building footings, foundations, underground utilities and floor slabs are complete.
- On-site waterline loop installation underway.
- Rough-in of mechanical, plumbing and electrical in classroom wing underway.
- Continuing to work with the City of Sammamish on remainder of permits, including Issaquah-Pine Lake Road frontage improvements.
- Scheduled opening - Fall 2021
- Structural steel erection well underway.
- Footings, foundations, underground utilities and floor slabs for the main building are nearing completion.
- Large underground storm vault complete and backfilled.
- Main drive grading and rockery walls well underway as well as other site work.
- Continuing to work with the City of Sammamish on remainder of permits, including Issaquah-Pine Lake Road frontage improvements.
- Scheduled opening - Fall 2021
- Footings, foundations, underground utilities and floor slabs for the main building are nearing completion.
- Large underground storm vault complete and backfilled.
- Main drive grading and rockery walls well underway as well as other site work.
- Continuing to work with the City of Sammamish on remainder of permits, including Issaquah-Pine Lake Road frontage improvements.
- Footings and foundations for the main building well underway. Also underground utilities being placed.
- Large storm formed and the walls have been poured. Backfill is underway. Lid expected shortly.
- Main drive grading and rockery walls has begun as well as other site work.
- Clearing of the property has begun with tree protection measures in place, trees have been taken down and mass site grading is happening.
- Excavation for the large storm vault is underway.
- Main drive grading and rockery walls has begun..
- Clearing of the property has begun with tree protection measures going into place, trees being taken down and some clearing happening.
- Bid opening has been rescheduled to March 12,2020.
- A mandatory pre-bid meeting was held at the project site on Tuesday, February 4, 2020.Nine general contractors were in attendance.
- Bid opening on March 5, 2020.
- City of Sammamish has reviewed site plan for clearing and grading permit with comments and returned to our design team.
- City of Sammamish has reviewed the building permit plans and has returned with comments to our design team.
- Elementary # 16 will advertise for bid January 24 & 31, 2020.
- SEPA has been completed and is posted on site.
- ISD design team working to respond to the City of Sammamish’s first round of review comments.
- The City of Sammamish has accepted our application for the Clear & Grading Permit and will begin review shortly.
- Groundbreaking is scheduled for later in June.
Pre-Application meeting occurred with City of Sammamish in March. Preparing for Permit submittal in May.
Traffic studies continue to be reviewed to determine ingress and egress onto the site for vehicles and busses. The District is working closely with the City of Sammamish with their plans to expand Issaquah-Pine Lake Road.
Electrical and Mechanical plans are being finalized.
The District met with neighboring Jacobs Creek HOA in early April to review site plans. Feedback was positive regarding proposed entry drive location and placement of school facilities.
Pre Application meeting is scheduled with the City of Sammamish.
The prior property owners moved out of the last occupied house at the end of February. The site has been secured. Cleanup of the site is ongoing.
Building floor plans and exterior elevations have been finalized. Color selections and finishes are underway.
Traffic studies are currently being reviewed to determine ingress and egress onto the site for vehicles and busses. The District is working closely with the City of Sammamish with their plans to expand Issaquah-Pine Lake Road. This will eventually impact where the main entry drive will be located.
Electrical and Mechanical plans are underway. Site plan is being finalized.
Site plan is being finalized.
The District is in the process of arranging a community meeting with the neighboring properties.
The Issaquah School District has acquired approximately 13 acres located at 4305-4353 Issaquah Pine Lake Road SE in the City of Sammamish. This land, known as the “Volpe Property,” is heavily impacted by wetlands and critical areas and therefore not fully developable. However, the District has determined that the useable area is sufficient for a compact footprint elementary school similar to Clark Elementary.
Site planning and building design are underway with the intention of beginning construction in 2019. The new elementary school is scheduled to open in September 2020. Residents may notice activity sooner on the property as the geotechnical soils analysis work is conducted in the coming weeks.
The District is working to complete survey, geotech and traffic studies. Work is proceeding with initial schematic design work pending finished survey drawings that include detailed topographic information and tree locations.
- Site acquisition remains underway.