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Holly Street Early Learning Center is located at 565 NW Holly Street. 

The project includes improvements to the Holly Street Building (old Admin Bldg) to accommodate new ECAEP & ECE classrooms, the Child Find Program, a Health Room to serve the campus, among other amenities. The BASC Program will also be housed in this newly remodeled facility.








Project Information

Original Project Estimated Budget:  (2016)                        $1,500,000                                                            
Updated Project Budget: $3,800,000                                                                         
Final Project Cost: TBD
Funding Source: 2016 Bond
Project Status: Complete
Architect: Cornerstone Architectural Group
Contractor: CDK Construction
Estimated Completion: August 2022
Final Completion: TBD


Holly Street Early Learning Improvements

Address:                                                                         565 NW Holly Street, Issaquah, WA   98027
Website:     Attach school/site website link