Supports Through Tiered Systems
Tier One Supports
Things we do for ALL students by utilizing Tier One resources effectively, teachers can establish a classroom culture that promotes respect, responsibility, and engagement, leading to better academic outcomes for all students.
Each class has rigorous and clearly defined standards.
Teachers use formative assessments aligned with standards to:
- Inform teaching practice;
- Influence teaching practice; and
- Provide feedback to students.
Teachers use effective teaching strategies:
- High-leverage teaching practices;
- Research-based best practices; and
- Teacher identified effective practices.
Teachers attempt to build relationships with students and let them know they care through 16 proactive classroom management strategies. These strategies include things like:
- Setting clear behavior expectations;
- Positive reinforcement systems;
- Consistent routines and procedures; and
- Social-emotional learning lessons.
Teachers use accommodations to support students, particularly those accessing support in one or more of the following OSPI required areas (Links are highlighted below):
English Language Learners
Housing Insecure
Highly Capable
Consistent classroom incentives for desired behavior with improvement rewarded individually, as a class and as a school.
Tier Two Supports
Things we do for some students who are provided Tier One support PLUS additional accommodations as needed.
- Identify students struggling in Tier One.
- Attempt to determine the cause of the lagging skill.
- Create a plan based on student strengths and interests.
- Dialogue with students struggling in Tier One.
- Dialogue with parent/guardian/caretakers/facility counselors regarding student’s struggle.
- Be available for additional help in the at least one of the following ways:
- During class with 1:1 attention, after school and Wednesday afternoons.
- Guidance team referral and participation.
Tier Three Supports
A “MENU” of choices to support students who receive targeted, individual support based on need.
- Attempt to problem-solve with adults who are working with student (i.e., IEP case manager, 504 Coordinator, Administrator, Counselor, Psychologist).
- Instructional interventions, including:
- Provide instruction individually and in small groups;
- Provide visual schedules and transition plans;
- Provide graphic organizers;
- Provide checklists;
- Provide social stories;
- Give alternate assessments(s);
- Give multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery (i.e. various modalities, retests and/or accept late/modified work); and
- Develop an academic and/or behavior contract.
- Discipline:
- Second Step, Kelso’s Choice problem solving strategies;
- Refer to Dean, Education Advocate, etc.; and
- Refer to Administration.
- Social Emotional Learning:
- Support for restorative practice and prosocial behaviors; and
- Support as needed in the areas of mental health and basic needs.