Family Involvement, Clubs and Activities
Filter Handbook Sections
Safety Patrols
Safety Patrols
Fifth graders are selected for patrol duty in most schools. Students are carefully selected, instructed in their duties, and cautioned to observe courtesy and safety when helping other children cross streets. Please ask your child to obey the safety patrol.
To avoid classroom disruption, please contact the school if you are interested in partnering with the school in a volunteer capacity. Parent/guardian/caretaker and teacher meetings outside of regularly schedules conferences, should be scheduled before or after the school day.
All visitors must:
- Sign in at the school office upon arrival;
- Comply with any safety procedures and directives indicated by the principal; and
- Refrain from any activity or behavior which is disruptive to the educational process. Additional information and requirements related to visitors at school are in Regulation 4311 and Procedure 4311P.
Volunteers support many areas of the school including the office, classrooms, library, or health room. All visitors and volunteers are to first sign in at the office prior to entering the school. Prior to volunteering, individuals must complete the ISD screening process and be cleared prior to participating in activities on campus. To volunteer, contact your school.
The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) supports the health, education, and welfare of children through providing enrichment programs, volunteering in the classroom, sponsoring school activities, reinforcing the student-teacher-parent/guardian/caretaker relationship, and fostering a learning environment at school and in the home. The district encourages your participation in this organization. You may join your local PTSA by contacting PTSA board members or your school office. Regulation 5630 / Procedure 5630P