Echo Glen Executive Summary
What is Institutional Education?
- All students under the age of 21 receive education while incarcerated.
- This can be done by a school district, an ESD, or other educational agency.
- The ISD has one such school in its boundaries called Echo Glen.
Who Does Echo Glen Serve?
- Students from all over the State of Washington.
- There is no minimum adjudication age in Washington.
- About half of our students experiencing incarceration qualify to receive special education services.
- Students often come to Echo Glen with an interrupted education history or have made multiple stops in places such as a detention facility first.
- Students have varying educational development in one or more areas, despite chronological age.
- Our students often have a higher than average rate of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), which can affect their learning.
- The students' average length of stay is about 100 days.
Current Funding Status
- Institutional Education funding has remained unchanged since the 1995 and 1997 biennium legislative budgets.
- Is separate from the rest of K-12 funding.
- Is limited and lacks categorical funding for things like Special Education and English Language Learning (ELL) services.
- Is based on a one time student headcount for the entire school year. Funding is NOT added if the number of students increases during the school year.
- Does not address the need for much smaller student to teacher ratios in this setting.
- Needs updating to meet our current education and legal requirements.
- Needs updating to meet the needs of today's incarcerated youth.
Goals for Students
- Address credit deficiencies through rigorous and relevant learning which will allow students to return to high school having made significant progress.
- Provide specially designed instruction and ELL services to those that qualify.
- Provide job skills, dual credit courses, and certifications that will assist students in gaining employment and admission to two-year and four-year institutions.
- Provide access to the GED and thereby to Pell Grants.
- Provide supportive communication and record keeping between and among the agencies that serve these students.
- Provide resources to students leaving the juvenile system for a successful re-entry to their community.
Principal Echo Glen School
Allison Ilgenfritz
Executive Director of Secondary Education
Sherri Kokx