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Student Athletic Handbook


Issaquah School District 411 Logo


Issaquah High School

Liberty High School

Skyline High School

Gibson Ek High School


The Issaquah School District provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.

Letter to Families:

We know your student will have a meaningful experience will involved in athletics, cheer, or dance/drill during their tenure in the Issaquah School District. The Issaquah School District Athletics and Activities Department provides a transformational education-based athletics and activities program where students have positive experiences, build meaningful relationships, and develop skills for life. This handbook provides general information about high school athletics. In addition to this information, we are also governed by Issaquah School District Regulations and Procedures and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association handbook. Your awareness of the contents of this handbook is very important, so the District requires that you and your student each acknowledge and electronically sign that they have read this handbook during the online sports registration process. (The term “student-athlete” used in this handbook refers to all students involved in athletics, cheer, and dance/drill).

Jordan Frost, District Athletics & Activities Director

Jordan Halstead, Athletic Director, Issaquah High School

Matthew Stuart, Athletic Director, Liberty High School

Gary Mogg, Athletic Director, Skyline High School

Principals' Note:

The Issaquah School District demands a very high standard of acceptable student-athlete behavior. By participating in the interscholastic athletic, cheer, and dance/drill programs, your son/daughter will be subject to the Athletic Code of Conduct during the school year, including in-season, out of season, and between seasons. The school year is defined as beginning with fall tryouts to the last day of school and will include any school-sponsored summer activities. Please take the time to read and understand these sections, especially the consequences for being academically ineligible (includes being current/on pace in all online courses being taken) and the consequences for the use, transmission, possession of, and proximity to, alcoholic beverages, drugs, chemical substances, and/or tobacco.

You should also be aware that coaches are responsible for determining which athletes are to play in a contest; it is an interscholastic program and there is no guarantee that an athlete will play in a particular contest. Parents who have complaints about a coach or program are to follow Issaquah School District procedures outlined in School District Regulation 4220 (Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs).

We hope you and your student have an enjoyable and rewarding experience in Issaquah School District athletics, cheer, and dance/drill.

Erin Connolly, Principal, Issaquah High School

Andrew Brownson, Principal, Liberty High School

Keith Hennig, Principal, Skyline High School

Tonja Reischl, Principal, Gibson Ek High School