Middle School Student Athletic Handbook
Beaver Lake Middle School
Cougar Mountain Middle School
Issaquah Middle School
Maywood Middle School
Pacific Cascade Middle School
Pine Lake Middle School
The Issaquah School District provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We know your student will have a meaningful experience while involved in middle school athletics during their time in the Issaquah School District. We ask that you review this handbook and spend time discussing it with your student. This handbook provides general information about middle school athletics. Issaquah School District Regulations and Procedures also govern Middle School sports. Your awareness of the contents of this handbook is very important. Parents and students are required to acknowledge and sign that they have read this handbook during the online sports registration process. (The term “student-athlete” used in this handbook refers to all students involved in athletics.)
- Philosophy for Issaquah School District MS Athletics
- Athletic Registration Process
- Athletic Eligibility - Criteria
- Concussions
- Attendance Regulations
- Conduct for Student-Athletes
- Discipline Procedures and Due Process for Athletic Discipline
- Prohibition of Hazing and Bullying
- Equipment
- Religious Holidays
- Spectator Guidelines
- Travel Rules for Athletes
- Weather Closure Guidelines
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Student-Athlete/Parent Sign-off Sheet
Philosophy for Issaquah School District MS Athletics
Recognizing the unique development needs of the middle level student, we promote activities that build student success through active participation, increased skill building, and positive sportsmanship.
- Emphasize participation over win/loss record
- Provide opportunities for everyone to participate
- Balance competition with cooperation
- Encourage lifelong participation in activities
- Develop age appropriate skills
- Focus on fundamentals
- Develop skills as a foundation of improvement
- Develop a positive team attitude
- Encourage, cooperate and collaborate with peers
- Present positive adult role models that demonstrate self-control and mutual respect
- Students have varying levels of ability, and coaches need to present a developmentally appropriate program for students
- Positive encouragement is the strongest tool for learning.
- Coaches should provide a safe environment for kids to “risk” and grow
- Activities should be meaningful and fun
- Fundamentals and practice are the building blocks for a successful athlete
- Coaches are a key role model
- Every team member’s responsibility is to encourage one another
- The importance of commitment and responsibility
Athletic Registration Process
All Student Athletes must complete the online athletic eligibility process via Final Forms, for EACH SEASON and for EACH SPORT in which the athlete wishes to participate.
After completing the online portion of athletic registration, the clearance process will ONLY be finalized once you have completed all steps of the online process, uploaded an acceptable signed physical form, and paid all related fees. Students can pay their sports fees to the school bookkeeper in person. If you are unable to upload a scanned copy of your signed sports physical, you may submit the form in person to the school office. Please see your school’s website for open office hours. No athlete is allowed to participate in tryouts or practices until the Athletic Office has issued the FINAL clearance. After confirming that all requirements are met, the Athletic Office will e-mail the student/family final clearance confirmation.
You will complete the following information during the Online Athletic/Activity Registration Process.
- Verify the Student demographic information
- Eligibility Questions
- Transfer Student
- Verify Parent/Guardian information
- Verify Emergency Contacts
- Medical and Emergency Authorization/Consent
- Accident Insurance – Parent Responsibility
- Category 1 Field Trip Form
- Physical Evaluation Form (upload or turn in to the office)
- Concussion Information
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness
- Informed Consent Form
- Pay all related fees prior to the first contest
Athletic Eligibility - Criteria
Students attending private schools may participate with Issaquah School District teams provided they comply with Issaquah School District regulations. A full-time student enrolled in a private school, certified educational clinic or home school student may participate on sport teams of their resident public middle school if the student resides within the service area boundaries of that public middle school and if the interscholastic activity is unavailable to the student in the private school. All private, clinic and home school students participating must meet the same team responsibilities as public school team members and are obligated by the same standards of behavior and performance as other members of the team.
In order to be eligible to participate and/or represent a member school in an interscholastic contest, the student of that school must be residing within the boundaries of the District and designated attendance area of the middle school or enrolled in that school.
Grades will be checked 10 days into the beginning of each sport season. If a student is failing a class, said student will be put on athletic probation for 10 school days. The student may turn out and not participate in athletic competitions during the first 10 school day period. At the end of the first 10-day probationary period, grades will be checked again. If the student is still failing a class at the end of the probationary period, said student will be on academic probation for another 10 days. Again, the student may turnout but not participate in athletic competitions. The student may be removed from probation as soon as the grades are raised. At the end of the second probationary period, grades are checked again: If a student is passing all classes, said student is removed from probation. If the student is still failing a class, said student is no longer eligible to participate and removed from the roster.
Prior to being eligible to participate in the first practice of interscholastic athletics in a middle school, a student shall undergo a thorough medical examination and be approved for interscholastic athletic competition by a medical authority licensed to perform a physical examination/well-child check. All incoming sixth graders planning to participate in interscholastic sports must obtain a physical dated on or after January 1 to be eligible for the upcoming school year. The school for which this student will compete must have on file the Physical Evaluation Form signed by a medical authority licensed to give a physical examination, certifying that the participant’s physical condition is adequate for all activities in which the student wishes to participate.
This physical will be valid for no more than twenty-four(24) consecutive months; however, the physical must be valid through the end of the regular season and post season. Eighth graders will be required to obtain a physical dated on or after January 1 of their incoming freshman year if they plan to participate in high school interscholastic sports.
Those licensed to perform physical examinations include MD, Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Certified Registered Nurse (ARNP), Physician’s Assistant (PA) and Naturopathic Physicians.
If a student sustains an injury deemed serious enough by school personnel to require medical care from a licensed healthcare provider, a student may not return to conditioning, practice sessions, or competition without a signed RELEASE TO PLAY from a licensed healthcare provider. Any student who is under a licensed healthcare provider’s care for illness/injury may not return to conditioning, practice sessions, or competition without a signed RELEASE TO PLAY from a licensed healthcare provider. (Please note all concussion/head injuries require medical care from a licensed healthcare provider – see Concussion Information for further details.)
Student-athletes are not required to be provided special arrangements on a regular basis to enable them to participate in non-school athletic activities, such as reduced practice times, special workouts, late arrivals, or early dismissals. Any decision, on a one-time or recurring basis, is the sole discretion of the coach.
Students shall not compete in the official uniform of the school at non-school events.
The Executive Director of Middle School Education in collaboration with the building administrator(s) are given the authority to make specific exceptions to student eligibility regulations, provided such exceptions are based upon hardship conditions that are deemed to have contributed in a significant way to non-compliance.
Any waiver of student eligibility regulations shall be based upon extenuating circumstances, beyond the control of the student or their parents or legal guardian, which are deemed to have significantly influenced or contributed to the cause of the student’s non-compliance with the eligibility regulation(s) involved.
A concussion is a brain injury and all brain injuries are serious. They are caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or by a blow to another part of the body with the force transmitted to the head. They can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way the brain normally works. Even though most concussions are mild, all concussions are potentially serious and may result in complications including prolonged brain damage and death if not recognized and managed properly. In other words, even a “ding” or a bump on the head can be serious. You can’t see a concussion and most sports concussions occur without loss of consciousness. Signs and symptoms of concussion may show up right after the injury or can take hours or days to fully appear. If your child reports any symptoms of concussion, or if you notice the symptoms or signs of concussion yourself, seek medical attention right away.
Symptoms may include one or more of the following:
Signs observed by teammates, parents and coaches include:
What can happen if my child keeps on playing with a concussion or returns too soon?
Athletes with the signs and symptoms of concussion should be removed from play immediately. Continuing to play with the signs and symptoms of a concussion leaves the young athlete especially vulnerable to greater injury. There is an increased risk of significant damage from a concussion for a period of time after that concussion occurs, particularly if the athlete suffers another concussion before completely recovering from the first one. This can lead to prolonged recovery, or even to severe brain swelling (Second Impact Syndrome) with devastating and even fatal consequences. It is well known that adolescent or teenage athletes will often fail to report symptoms of injuries. Concussions are no different. As a result, education of administrators, coaches, parents and students is the key to student-athlete’s safety.
If you think your child has suffered a concussion:
Any athlete even suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury shall be removed from play immediately. An athlete who has been removed from play may not return to play (practice, conditioning, competitions, etc.) until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussion and receives written clearance to return to play from that health care provider. In additional to clearance from a licensed health care provided trained in the evaluation and management of concussions, the student also needs to complete the Return To Play protocol with the athletic trainer.
IMPORTANT: Parents must report if their student has suffered a concussion or serious injury outside of school. Parents must report if their student-athlete has suffered a concussion.
More information can be found at:
WIAA Concussion Management Guidelines
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Youth Sports
Attendance Regulations
Parents and student-athletes are expected to make a strong commitment to regular daily attendance in school, sports practices, and contests. Participation in the middle school athletic program should enhance and not detract from the importance of the academic program and the educational requirements.
Student-athletes are expected to be in daily attendance in all of their scheduled classes on time and prepared to participate in the learning activities in a positive manner.
- School related and approved absences (field trips)
- Medical, dental, family emergencies, or legal appointments when appropriate written verification of the appointment from the provider has been submitted to the attendance office upon their return.
- Family emergencies
- Any other emergencies or absences must be approved by the School Administration on a case-by-case basis.
Student athletes on all middle school sports teams, except intramurals, are required to have attended eight practices prior to participation in a scheduled contest. The School Administration is authorized to reasonably adjust this requirement as needed on a case-by-case basis when calendaring conflicts occur.
Regular attendance and participation by each student-athlete at practices and contests is essential to the success of the athlete and the team. Team morale is enhanced by each athlete’s commitment to the program through attendance and the safety of skill progression is ensured.
It is the expectation that student-athletes will attend all practices and contests as defined/established by the coach. If attendance becomes an issue and impacts the team in any manner, a coach may impose discipline up to and including dismissal from the team.
Conduct for Student-Athletes
The opportunity to participate in middle school athletics and represent your school is a privilege. Due to the public nature of these sports programs, students who participate are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will reflect the high standards and ideals of the school, community and Issaquah School District. Student-athletes who commit unlawful acts or engage in delinquent behavior may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including athletic disqualification.
All Issaquah School District student-athletes are expected to adhere to all Issaquah School District Regulations as explained in each school’s Student Handbook and the Middle School Student Athletic Handbook. In addition to these general rules, coaches may establish other team expectations specific to their team or program.
The following rules apply to all student-athletes participating in interscholastic sports.
- Student- athletes are expected to demonstrate conduct on and off the campus consistent with District regulations, building rules, and team expectations in addition to adhering to school and community laws and show respect for others and their property.
- Any student on suspension/expulsion from school will not be permitted to participate in or attend any athletic activities.
- Students who voluntarily try out to be members of teams/squads and become student-athletes are expected to:
- Be courteous to visiting teams, coaching staff, fans, and officials.
- Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials and accept their decisions without demonstrative protest.
- Play hard and to the best of their ability.
- Be modest when successful and gracious in defeat.
- Demonstrate loyalty to the school by maintaining a satisfactory scholastic standing and by participating in or supporting other school activities.
- All students who participate in the athletic program of the Issaquah School District will comply with all rules and regulations as outlined in the school Student Handbook(s), and Issaquah School District Regulations. All student athletes will submit to the reasonable discipline of the school authority or school designee.
- Student-athletes engaging in, attempting or conspiring to engage in inappropriate conduct as set forth in this Handbook, the Middle School Student Handbook, and District Procedure 3241P are subject to discipline as both students and student- athletes. This includes athletic and/or school discipline, athletic probation, athletic and/or school suspension, athletic disqualification and/or school expulsion, as appropriate. Examples include the following:
- disruptive conduct
- refusal to cease misconduct
- unauthorized absence from turnout or game
- cheating
- criminal activity
- use, possession, and/or sale of substances capable of or intended, purported, or presumed to be capable of altering a student’s mood, perception, behavior, performance or judgment, other than properly used, over-the-counter pain relievers and medications prescribed by a physician for an individual student and used at school in accordance with Policy 3416
- vulgarity or profanity
- destruction or defacing property
- extortion
- harassment, intimidation or bullying, including hazing (includes racial/gender/age/sexual orientation or grade level) of another student or employee. This includes electronic, written, verbal, or physical acts.Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Resources and Reporting - Issaquah School District 411 (isd411.org)
- assault on another student or employee
- possession or use of any dangerous weapons, substances, or objects
- violation of any rule listed in the school’s student handbook or in the “Rules of Conduct” in Issaquah School District Regulation #3241.
Discipline Procedures and Due Process for Athletic Discipline
Definitions for Athletic Discipline
Athletic Discipline
Athletic discipline will mean all forms of corrective action or sanction other than athletic probation, athletic suspension or athletic disqualification and may include the exclusion of a student athlete from an activity by a coach for a given period of time.
Athletic Probation (Non-Academic)
Athletic probation is a period during which the student athlete remains a part of the team/squad while they are given an opportunity to correct the deficiencies in a time prescribed by the head coach/assistant principal. During athletic probation, student-athletes will continue to participate in turnouts (practices) but will not participate in competitions.
Athletic Suspension
Athletic suspension is a period during which a student-athlete is removed entirely from all team/squad activities for a specified number of days. The duration may be extended beyond the current season. A student who is suspended may not practice, compete, sit on the bench or attend any other team events during the period of suspension.
Athletic Disqualification
Athletic disqualification is the complete removal of the student from the athletic programs.
1. Athletic Discipline and Athletic Probation:
When athletic discipline is imposed, the coach/assistant principal will:
- Meet with the student-athlete to discuss the reason(s) for athletic discipline.
- Document the athletic discipline if it may lead to athletic probation or more severe sanctions.
When athletic probation is imposed, the coach will:
- Meet with the assistant principal to review the reason(s) for athletic probation and secure approval.
- Inform the student-athlete of the deficiencies, how the student-athlete is to correct them and the number of days of athletic probation/discipline, and, follow up with notification to the parent/guardian.
Upon completion of the probationary period, and if the deficiency is corrected, the student-athlete is removed from athletic probation; if the deficiency is not corrected, the athletic probationary period is extended or the student-athlete is recommended for athletic suspension and/or athletic disqualification.
2. Athletic Suspension/Athletic Disqualification:
Prior to athletic suspension/athletic disqualification of any student-athlete, a conference will be conducted with the student-athlete as follows:
- The assistant principal will present to the student-athlete an oral and/or written notice of alleged misconduct and violation(s) of school district rules; the evidence of school district rules; the evidence in support of the allegations; and the corrective action or sanction to be recommended.
- The student-athlete will be provided the opportunity to present an explanation.
- The parent/guardian will be notified of the alleged misconduct and violation(s) of school district rules; the evidence in support of the allegations; and the discipline or sanction to be recommended.
When athletic suspension/athletic disqualification has been imposed, the student-athlete will be notified verbally of the action taken. Promptly thereafter, written notice will be sent by mail to the student-athlete and their parent/guardian containing the following information:
- The action taken
- The reason for disciplinary action, and,
- The right to an informal conference with the building principal to review the athletic suspension/athletic disqualification
A copy of the athletic suspension/athletic disqualification notice will be sent to the Executive Director of Middle School Education.
3. Grievance Procedure:
- Any student-athlete, parent or guardian who is aggrieved by any athletic discipline, probation, or disqualification has the right to an informal conference with the Principal, or their designee for the purpose of resolving the grievance. Such request must be made within ten (10) school business days of the imposition of the discipline, probation, suspension or disqualification.
- At the informal conference, the student-athlete and parent will have the opportunity to share the student’s perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation. Staff members will have the opportunity to respond to the issues and questions related to the grievance. The student and parents will be subject to questioning by the Principal or designee and will be entitled to question school personnel involved in the matter being grieved.
- If the grievance is not resolved after the informal conference, the parents and student may present a written or oral grievance to the Superintendent or designee. The grievance must be presented to the Superintendent or designee within five (5) school business days following the informal conference. The Superintendent or designee will notify the student and the student’s parents in writing of the decision within ten (10) school business days of receiving the grievance.
The athletic discipline, probation, suspension or disqualification will continue notwithstanding the implementation of the grievance procedure.
Prohibition of Hazing and Bullying
The Issaquah School District prohibits initiation activities and behaviors required for acceptance by the Team, or expected to obtain peer acceptance, involving any student athlete, whether or not it takes place in any school facility, on school property, or at any District-sponsored event.
Hazing is a form of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB Regulation #3207), and is defined as any act or coercing of another, including the victim, to perform any act of initiation into any team or group or organization that causes, or creates a risk of causing, mental, emotional or physical harm. Permission, consent, or assumption of risk by an individual subject to hazing shall not lessen the activities prohibited.
Student-athletes found in violation of District Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (including hazing) regulations will be found ineligible from all athletic participation for a minimum period of one calendar year from the date of notification.
School equipment checked out by the student-athlete is the student’s responsibility. The student-athlete is expected to keep and return it clean and in good condition. Student-athletes will be responsible for lost school equipment assigned to them. Coaches are not permitted to issue equipment to student-athletes outside of the school year sports season.
Religious Holidays
The Issaquah School District will make every effort to not schedule sporting events on religious holidays which might prevent student- athletes from participating due to their sincerely held religious beliefs. Individual student-athletes who miss practices or competitions will not be penalized due to their participating in their sincerely held religious beliefs.
Spectator Guidelines
Spectator guidelines are published in the hope that middle school athletics will be kept in the proper spirit of competition. It is in the best interest of the student-athlete for all fans to abide by these guidelines. Your cooperation is appreciated.
- Remember that the game is for the student-athletes. They are here because they want to play, compete and enjoy the experience. Your sportsmanship will enhance this educational experience.
- Refrain from distracting the student-athletes during play.
- Recognize and appreciate skill in performance regardless of affiliation. Applause for an opponent’s good performance is a demonstration of generosity and good will.
- Treat the officials with respect before, during and after the contest. We cannot play the game without officials, as they are an integral part of the game, and they should be recognized as impartial arbitrators.
- Display good conduct. The Administrator or their designee has the authority to remove any spectator who does not conduct himself/herself respectfully. Abusive or inappropriate language is prohibited.
- Recognize the fact that, as a spectator, you represent the school and the student-athlete you are identified with.
- Spectators are to remain off the playing surface AT ALL TIMES.
Travel Rules for Athletes
- All student-athletes must travel to and from athletic events/contests in District provided transportation when it is provided. A student-athlete may travel with their own parent if the parent arranges with the coach, to transport their athlete in their own vehicle, having completed the required forms. A student-athlete may travel in a private vehicle with another parent, if the student’s parent sends a written request to the coach prior to departure and the Assistant Principal gives approval to the coach in charge as arranged by District Regulation and having the required forms signed by the student and parent.(Form 2320 F3)
- Student-athletes will remain with their squad and under the supervision of their coach when attending any events/contests.
- Misconduct of any sort while traveling to and from and while at the location of an away event/contest will be dealt with according to “Conduct for Athletes” and Issaquah School District Regulation 3241.
Weather Closure Guidelines
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
What is sudden cardiac arrest?
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the sudden onset of an abnormal and lethal hearth rhythm, causing the heart to stop beating and the individual to collapse. SCA is the leading cause of death in the U.S. afflicting over 300,000 individuals per year.
SCA is also the leading cause of sudden death in young athletes during sports
What causes sudden cardiac arrest?
SCA in young athletes is usually caused by a structural or electrical disorder of the heart. Many of these conditions are inherited (genetic) and can develop as an adolescent or young adult. SCA is more likely during exercise or physical activity, placing student-athletes with undiagnosed heart conditions at greater risk. SCA also can occur from a direct blow to the chest by a firm projective (baseball softball, lacrosse ball, or hockey puck) or by chest contact from another player (called “commotio cordis”).
While a heart condition may have no warning signs, some young athletes may have symptoms but neglect to tell an adult. If any of the following symptoms are present, a cardiac evaluation by a physician is recommended:
- Passing out during exercise
- Chest pain with exercise
- Excessive shortness of breath with exercise
- Palpitations (heart racing for no reason)
- Unexplained seizures
- A family member with early onset heart disease or sudden death from a heart condition before the age of 40
How to present and treat sudden cardiac arrest?
Some heart conditions at risk for SCA can be detected by a thorough heart screening evaluation. However, all schools and teams should be prepared to respond to a cardia emergency. Young athletes who suffer SCA are collapsed and unresponsive and may appear to have brief seizure; i.e. activity or abnormal breathing (gasping). SCA can be effective treated by immediate recognition, prompt CPR, and quick access to a defibrillator (AED). AEDs are safe, portable devices that read and analyze the heart rhythm and provide an electric shock (if necessary) to restore a normal heart rhythm.
Remember, to save a life: recognize SCA, call 9-1-1, begin CPR, and use an AED as soon as possible!
Cardiac 3-Minute Drill:
- RECOGNIZE Sudden Cardiac Arrest: collapsed and unresponsive, abnormal breathing, seizure-like
- CALL 9-1-1: Call for help and for an AED
- CPR: Begin chest compressions, Push hard/push fast (100 per minutes)
- AED: Use AED as soon as possible
- CONTINUE CARE: continue CPR and AED until EMS arrives
Information provided by UW Medicine/WIAA and the Nick of Time Foundation
Student-Athlete/Parent Sign-off Sheet
Student-Athlete/Parent Sign-off Sheet
The Issaquah School District demands a very high standard of acceptable student athlete behavior. By participating in middle school athletic programs, your student will be subject to the Athletic Code of Conduct. Please take the time to read and understand these sections in this Handbook.
You should also be aware that coaches are responsible for determining which athletes are to play in a contest. Parents who have complaints about a coach or program are to follow Issaquah School District procedures outlined in School District Regulation 4220 (Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs).
We hope you and your student have an enjoyable and rewarding experience in Issaquah School District middle school athletics.
Kathryn Coffin, Principal, Beaver Lake Middle School |
Erin McKee, Principal, Cougar Mountain Middle School |
Mark Jergens-Zmuda, Principal, Issaquah Middle School |
Erin Armstrong, Principal, Maywood Middle School |
Jeff McGowan, Principal, Pacific Cascade Middle School |
Michelle Caponigro, Principal, Pine Lake Middle School |
I/we have read the 2024-2025 Middle School Student Athletic Handbook and am aware of all the expectations of being a student-athlete representing the Issaquah School District.
Student's Full Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Please print)
School: __________________________________________________ Sport(s): ______________________________________________________________
Signature of Parent: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Signature of Student: _____________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________