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Meet the Team

Equity, Belonging and Family Partnership

We are a team of dedicated staff from diverse backgrounds. Issaquah schools have Building Equity Leaders, school counselors, and Family Liaisons to help guide our work. Meet the team.

Executive Director - Equity, Belonging and Family Partnership

Alaina Sivadasan

Administrative Assistant - Equity, Belonging and Family Partnership

Susie Yamane

Family Partnership Specialist

Lorna Gilmour

Equity Specialist

Sharon Roy

Counseling and Student Well-Being

Issaquah schools provide comprehensive guidance and school counseling services in each building. 

Director of Counseling and Student Well-Being
Assistant to the Director of Counseling and Student Well-Being
Coordinator - School Counseling

Family Liaisons

Many parents have question such as who to contact with student concerns, what the class choices are, what requirements are expected for graduation and classroom expectations. The Family Liaisons help families understand and navigate our school system. Please email a Family Liaison for help answering questions or filling out forms for your school.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a, o mande un texto o llame al 425-331-9555.  

需要協助與老師或職員溝通嗎?請發送電子郵件至 獲取協助並回答問題或填寫表格。此外,學校的教職員也可以與您聯繫提供協助。

Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a, o mande un texto o llame al (252) 563-3498. 


Liliana Medina (English, Español)
Family Partnership Liaison
Office Phone: 425-837-7141
Cell Phone: 425-651-5170
Text: 425-331-9555
Wenli Mithal (English, 中文)
Family Partnership Liaison
Office Phone: 425-837-7106
Cell Phone: 425-651-5205
Text: 978-252-3686
Lina Marin (English, Español)
Family Partnership Liaison
Office Phone: 425-837-7008 
Cell Phone: 425-651-9245     
Text: 252-563-3498
Issaquah High School
Issaquah Middle School
Pacific Cascade Middle School
Clark Elementary
Issaquah Valley Elementary
Sunset Elementary

Skyline High School
Beaver Lake Middle School
Pine Lake Middle School
Cascade Ridge Elementary
Cedar Trails Elementary
Challenger Elementary
Creekside Elementary
Discovery Elementary
Endeavour Elementary
Sunny Hills Elementary

Liberty High School
Cougar Mountain Middle School
Maywood Middle School
Apollo Elementary
Briarwood Elementary
Cougar Ridge Elementary
Grand Ridge Elementary
Maple Hills Elementary
Newcastle Elementary

VOICE Mentor Program

The VOICE Mentor Program pairs volunteer adults or high school students with student mentees from all grades, in all schools within the Issaquah School District. Matches meet on school grounds, during school hours for 30-60 minutes each week as mentors support students through ongoing, positive, one-to-one relationships.


is an in-school mentoring program that pairs caring adult or high school volunteers with Issaquah School District students for one-on-one, supportive relationships. We provide mentors for students K-12 at all 26 Issaquah schools.

Learn more on their website.

VOICE Program Specialists

Nathalia Sanchez

Tina Weber

Equity Building Leaders for 2024-25

Equity Building Leaders work with their building teachers when they need support or ideas around equity, diversity and inclusion. They are provided on-going training and supported by our district team and a cohort of other Equity Building Leaders.


Elementary Schools
Equity Building Leads
Apollo Elementary  Sarah Shero
Briarwood Elementary   Valerie Muirhead
Cascade Ridge Elementary Madyson Evans 
Cascade Ridge Elementary Kelsey Donovan
Cedar Trails Elementary Laura Biller
Challenger Elementary Carrie Granados
Clark Elementary Jennifer Giambrone
Cougar Ridge Elementary Cathy Chmielewski
Creekside Elementary Carrie Alexander
Discovery Elementary  
Endeavour Elementary AnhThu Ngo
Grand Ridge Elementary Laura Kamau 
Issaquah Valley Elementary Renee Saucier
Maple Hills Elementary Darcie Kardong
Newcastle Elementary Katie Afman
Sunny Hills Elementary Tori Sylvers
Sunset Elementary Marty Merrill
Middle Schools
Equity Building Leads
Beaver Lake Middle Tiffany Bahall 
Cougar Mountain Middle Chris Wieland
Issaquah Middle Heather McDonough
Maywood Middle Camille Wright
Pacific Cascade Middle Marie Werbel
Pine Lake Middle Kristina Klein


High Schools
Equity Building Leads
Echo Glen tbd
Gibson Ek High Colin McCormick
Issaquah High Kathryn (Katie) Kelly
Liberty High David Dingler
Skyline High Sri Magesh