District to Establish Capital Projects Oversight Committee
Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick and district leaders are committed to increasing transparency and trust in district decision making.
We will be launching a Capital Projects Oversight Committee to add and ensure transparency of our capital projects. Please stay tuned if you are interested in applying as a volunteer; we will share further details and a link to apply soon.
The Capital Projects Oversight Committee will review financial reports and share its findings publicly with the School Board and community. These regular reports will also be published on the district website.
In addition, we are inviting the community to several events designed to offer the opportunity to engage and ask questions about the updated February 11 bond measure for projects related to safety and high school capacity. The first two of these are:
- “Funding Our Schools Forum: A Community Conversation on Budgeting, Capital Projects and Oversight.” Hosted by Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick and Chief of Finance and Operations Martin Turney, this event is from 6-7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 21 in the library at Cougar Mountain Middle School.
- School Board Town Hall, from 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23. This event will be offered in virtually via Zoom and also in person at the Administration Building, 5150 220th Avenue Southeast in Issaquah.
Please learn more about the February 11 Proposition 1 to bond to fund Safety, Security and High School Capacity on our website.