2165P - Home or Hospital Services Procedure
A. Initiating a Request for Home/Hospital Support
The procedures for instituting home/hospital support are as follows:
- Parent/caregiver completes application form (2165 F1) for Home/Hospital support.
- A qualified medical professional completes the SPI E‑310 form (2165 F2-Request for Home/Hospital).
- Home/Hospital support shall begin after:
- Receipt of all completed paperwork.
- Application has been reviewed and approved.
- All parties involved have agreed to services.
B. Program Requirements
- Support is for up to 2 hours per week.
- Home/Hospital services may be intermittent, but the total weeks of these services may not exceed 18 weeks per school year.
- If a student returns to school, including on a partial schedule, Home/Hospital services to the student will end.
- Home/Hospital services are not provided during school vacations unless the student is enrolled in an ISD summer school program.
- Home/Hospital services may not begin if less than 4 weeks remain in the school year.
- Home/Hospital support is for a student unable to attend school due to physical and/or mental disability or illness. It may not be used to support a student who is staying at home with an infant or sick relative.
C. Role of Liaison
The function of the Home/Hospital Liaison is to provide support to the student and the school in the following manner:
- Contact parent/caregiver and arrange support schedule.
- Discuss with the parent/caregiver any conditions surrounding the student's health or educational development which may have a bearing on the program.
- Discuss the need for a supervising adult to be in the home during the liaison’s visit.
- Discuss the need for an appropriate learning environment.
- The student should be awake, properly dressed and ready for lessons at the appropriate time.
- Adequate study time should be scheduled each day, taking into account the limitations of the student.
Elementary Level-emphasis is on reading, math and language skills
- Contact classroom teacher initially and on a weekly basis, or as needed, to report on student’s progress.
- Obtain books, materials and assignments from the classroom teacher and turn in completed student assignments.
- Evaluate/discuss student’s progress with the family and the school team.
Secondary Level (Middle School and High School)-receives support only in core subjects (Science lab work does not lend itself to Home/Hospital support).
- Contact school counselor to obtain academic standing and to set up initial meeting with teachers (as needed).
- Arrange with the school team weekly pick-up of books, materials and assignments.
- Contact each classroom teacher
D. Role of School Counselor and Teachers
- Arrange initial meeting with Home/Hospital liaison and school team.
- Provide liaison with student’s current academic standing.
- Provide liaison with materials and assignments, a class schedule, class outlines, etc. of what the student needs to fulfill credit requirements.
- Work with school team to determine grading system and assign the grade for student assignments/tests.
- Monitor student progress with liaison and family.
- If student is unable to complete regular classroom assignments, accommodations may be necessary:
- Work with the school team to develop alternative classroom assignments to meet required course work.
- Work with school team/student/family to adjust student’s schedule as needed.
E. Termination
Services may be terminated as follows:
- The qualified medical practitioner determines the student can return to school. The school team contacts a member of the District counseling team when the student returns to school.
- Extension of the original time period must be requested by the parent/caregiver, verified by the attending qualified medical practitioner and approved by ISD.