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2165P - Home or Hospital Services Procedure

A.  Initiating a Request for Home/Hospital Support

  The procedures for instituting home/hospital support are as follows:

  1. Parent/caregiver completes application form (2165 F1) for Home/Hospital support.
  2. A qualified medical professional completes the SPI E‑310 form (2165 F2-Request for Home/Hospital).
  3. Home/Hospital support shall begin after:
    1. Receipt of all completed paperwork.
    2. Application has been reviewed and approved.
    3. All parties involved have agreed to services.

B. Program Requirements

  1. Support is for up to 2 hours per week.
  2. Home/Hospital services may be intermittent, but the total weeks of these services may not exceed 18 weeks per school year. 
  3. If a student returns to school, including on a partial schedule, Home/Hospital services to the student will end.
  4. Home/Hospital services are not provided during school vacations unless the student is enrolled in an ISD summer school program.
  5. Home/Hospital services may not begin if less than 4 weeks remain in the school year.
  6. Home/Hospital support is for a student unable to attend school due to physical and/or mental disability or illness.  It may not be used to support a student who is staying at home with an infant or sick relative.


C.  Role of Liaison

The function of the Home/Hospital Liaison is to provide support to the student and the school in the following manner:

  1. Contact parent/caregiver and arrange support schedule.
  2. Discuss with the parent/caregiver any conditions surrounding the student's health or educational development which may have a bearing on the program.
  3. Discuss the need for a supervising adult to be in the home during the liaison’s visit.
  4. Discuss the need for an appropriate learning environment.
    1. The student should be awake, properly dressed and ready for lessons at the appropriate time.
    2. Adequate study time should be scheduled each day, taking into account the limitations of the student.

Elementary Level-emphasis is on reading, math and language skills

  1. Contact classroom teacher initially and on a weekly basis, or as needed, to report on student’s progress.
  2. Obtain books, materials and assignments from the classroom teacher and turn in completed student assignments.
  3. Evaluate/discuss student’s progress with the family and the school team.


Secondary Level (Middle School and High School)-receives support only in core subjects (Science lab work does not lend itself to Home/Hospital support).

  1. Contact school counselor to obtain academic standing and to set up initial meeting with teachers (as needed).
  2. Arrange with the school team weekly pick-up of books, materials and assignments.
  3. Contact each classroom teacher


D. Role of School Counselor and Teachers

  1. Arrange initial meeting with Home/Hospital liaison and school team.
  2. Provide liaison with student’s current academic standing.
  3. Provide liaison with materials and assignments, a class schedule, class outlines, etc. of what the student needs to fulfill credit requirements.
  4. Work with school team to determine grading system and assign the grade for student assignments/tests.
  5. Monitor student progress with liaison and family.
  6. If student is unable to complete regular classroom assignments, accommodations may be necessary:
    1. Work with the school team to develop alternative classroom assignments to meet required course work.
    2. Work with school team/student/family to adjust student’s schedule as needed.


E.   Termination

Services may be terminated as follows:

  1. The qualified medical practitioner determines the student can return to school. The school team contacts a member of the District counseling team when the student returns to school.
  2. Extension of the original time period must be requested by the parent/caregiver,     verified by the attending qualified medical practitioner and approved by ISD.


Last Revised:


Related Regulation:

Related Forms:

Legal Reference:

WAC      392-712A-02100
Home/Hospital Instruction