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2409 - Credit for Competency/Proficiency

Washington State requires students to earn a minimum number of credits across specified subject areas in order to earn a high school diploma. Earning credits demonstrates competency in or proficiency of the state’s essential academic learning requirements (learning standards).

The District recognizes that there are different methods of demonstrating competency or proficiency of state learning standards. Competency-based crediting is an option for students to earn high school credit in appropriate circumstances, based on performance on District-approved standardized assessments that are aligned to state learning standards, rather than through successfully completing courses taught to those standards.

The District offers students the opportunity to earn competency-based credit in world languages, English language arts, mathematics, and science. The District also offers competency-based CTE credit for Echo Glen students who complete the industry standards and competencies called out in the CTE Framework; these competencies are completed while participating in enrichment program(s) while enrolled at Echo Glen. The District’s procedures for awarding credits in these areas based on competency testing are described in 2409P.

Last Revised:


Related Procedures:

Cross References:


  • RCW 28A.230.090 High school graduation requirements or equivalencies
  • WAC 180-51-050 High school credit - Definition
  • WAC 392-410-340 Equivalency credit for alternative learning experiences, non-high school courses, electronically mediated courses, work experience, and challenges