2409P - Credit for Competency/Proficiency Procedure
Competency-Based Credit
Competency-based credit may be awarded in world languages, English language arts, mathematics, or science, for knowledge and skills that a student demonstrates on a District-approved standardized assessment in appropriate circumstances. The District also offers competency-based CTE credit for Echo Glen students who complete the industry standards and competencies called out in the CTE Framework; these competencies are completed while participating in enrichment program(s) while enrolled at Echo Glen. The District has established the following requirements that students must meet in order to receive competency-based credit.
World Languages Credit for Competency/Proficiency
For purposes of this procedure, a world language is defined as a language other than English and includes, without limitation, American Sign Language, Latin, and Native American or other indigenous languages or dialects.
Demonstrating Competency/Proficiency in a World Language
Assessments for competency in a world language must be aligned to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines in order to ensure consistency across languages. Students must demonstrate competency/proficiency across multiple language skills, including speaking, reading, listening and writing. To assess competency/proficiency, the District will select appropriate assessment instruments that are approved by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
Determining Competency and Credit Equivalencies in a World Language
The District will award one or more credits based on the student demonstrating an overall proficiency level according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines as follows:
Novice Mid – 1 credit (Carnegie Unit) Novice
High – 2 credits
Intermediate Low – 3 credits
Intermediate Mid and above – 4 credits
Since students may demonstrate varied levels of proficiency across skills, credits will be awarded based on the lowest common level of proficiency demonstrated across the skill areas.
(Example: If a student demonstrated Intermediate Mid-level proficiency in speaking, but Novice Mid-level in reading and writing, then credits would be awarded based on the lowest common level of demonstrated proficiency, i.e. one credit for Novice Mid. In this example, the student would not receive four credits for Intermediate Mid in speaking and one credit each for Novice Mid in reading and writing. The total award would instead be one world language credit.)
English Language Arts, Math, and Science Credit for Competency/Proficiency
English language arts, math, and science credits are available through competency-based testing for students who have taken, but not passed, certain English, math, or science courses. In order to receive credit based on competency, students who have received a failing or incomplete grade in such a course must obtain a specified score on a District-approved standardized assessment that covers the subject matter of the previously-taken course. Students may only earn up to 4.0 total competency-based credits across these subject areas, and no more than 1.0 total credit per subject (English, math, or type of science). Such credits may be earned only as follows:
For Lit and Comp I, II, III, or equivalent:
- Smarter Balanced English Language Arts assessment score at College & Career Readiness level 3 or 4.
- SAT or ACT English cut score sufficient to satisfy graduation pathway requirement, as determined by OSPI and SBE.
- PSAT/NMSQT English cut score sufficient to qualify for entry level credit at Everett Community College.
For Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II (except as otherwise indicated), or equivalent:
- Smarter Balanced Math assessment score at College & Career Readiness level 3 or 4.
- SAT or ACT Math cut score sufficient to satisfy graduation pathway requirement, as determined by OSPI and SBE.
- PSAT/NMSQT Math cut score sufficient to qualify for entry level credit at Everett Community College (Algebra 1 or Geometry only).
For English, math, or science courses the content of which is covered by an AP or IB exam:
- AP exam score of 3 or higher on a qualifying exam in the subject area. For a list of qualifying exams, see the schools’ Building Assessment Coordinator.
- IB exam score of 4 or higher on a qualifying exam in the subject area. For a list of qualifying exams, see the schools’ Building Assessment Coordinator.
CTE Frameworks at Echo Glen
Students at Echo Glen participate in enrichment programs. Some of the programs align with CTE industry standards and competencies for certain CTE courses. Students who participate in one or more enrichment programs which align with a CTE framework may be awarded credit if:
- The enrichment program lead and a District CTE teacher or administrator have coordinated to ensure the entire CTE framework is covered in the program
- The student engages in the program and demonstrates proficiency for all of the industry standards and competencies
Paying for Assessments
Testing fees for assessments are the responsibility of students/parents.
Reporting Results
The school will receive official test results for each student participating in the assessment process. A letter will be provided to the student with a copy of the test results and an indication of how many credits, if any, may be awarded. If requested by the student, the school counselors will record the credits earned on the student’s official transcript.
Credits will be awarded with a grade of “Pass.” No letter grades will be awarded for competency-based credits.