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2413 - Course Equivalency

The District believes that course equivalencies provide high school students with increased opportunities and flexibility in meeting high school graduation requirements.

The District will establish an equivalency committee to review and approve all equivalency proposals.

Courses approved for equivalency must meet the following criteria:

  1. Align with the state’s essential academic learning requirements and grade level expectations; and
  2. For CTE proposals, courses must align with current industry standards, as evidenced in the curriculum frameworks.

Career and technical courses determined by the school District to be equivalent to academic core courses, in full or in part, shall be accepted as meeting core requirements, including graduation requirements, if the courses are recorded on the student’s transcript using the equivalent academic high school department designation and title. Full or partial credit shall be recorded as appropriate.

The Board will approve Advanced Placement (AP) computer science courses as equivalent to high school mathematics or science. Board approval of AP computer sciences as equivalent to high school mathematics requires that a student has successfully completed or is currently enrolled in Algebra II. The Superintendent will adopt procedures to denote on the student's transcript that AP computer science qualifies as a math-based quantitative course for students who complete it in their senior year.



Last Revised:


Related Procedures:

Cross References:


Legal References:

  • RCW 28A.230.097 Career and Technical High School Course Equivalencies
  • RCW 28A.230.120 High School Diplomas ─ Issuance ─ Option to Receive Final Transcripts
  • WAC 180-51 High School Graduation Requirements
  • WAC 392-410 Courses of Study and Equivalencies