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2420P - Grading and Progress Reports Procedure

Electronic Student Reporting (ESR) System

The Electronic Student Reporting (ESR) System serves as a communication tool among the schools, students and parents about the student’s progress. At the middle and high school levels, the ESR system will include periodic reports on academic progress to students and parents. Reporting dates for academic progress will be posted on each school’s website. High schools shall have eight (8) reporting dates, middle schools shall have six (6). Such factors as the type, length, and pacing of assignments, or time necessary to provide thoughtful feedback on student work for the assignment may cause the entry of grades into the system to vary within the specified reporting periods. 

For answers to questions about individual student progress and/or ESR entries for particular classes, students should refer first to the class guidelines and/or syllabus for clarification of assignments. The next step is for students to talk directly with the teacher for clarification. External programs (e.g., Running Start, NEVAC, Sports) have separate policies related to progress reporting (see appropriate program guidelines for information pertaining to the specific program).

To provide students and families access to the ESR system, the District will issue secure passwords. The District will comply with Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provisions designed to ensure that student information is available only to authorized individuals (through a secure password). 


The ESR system is designed to improve communication with students and parents and to consolidate student data, maintaining a manageable workload for staff.

ESR system progress reports are not official grades. Official quarter and semester, mid-term and trimester grades and deficiency reports will continue to be sent home using the process currently in place at individual schools. 

The ESR system does not replace the teacher-prepared class guideline and/or syllabus. Those documents have additional specifics on assignments and class requirements to ensure a clear understanding of the student’s class progress. 


Maximum benefits from the ESR system will be realized when students, individual teachers, the schools and District, and parents all use and support the system responsibly. 

Student Responsibilities

  • Use ESR system to monitor class progress.
  • Communicate with teacher regarding questions about progress
  • Adhere to guidelines of the technology Responsible Use Guidelines and Civility Regulation

Individual Staff Responsibilities

  • Understand the use of the ESR system
  • Publish progress [current grades] at specified intervals (Refer to first bullet under school and District responsibilities)
  • Enter assignments and/or scores in the ESR system according to established schedule in order for students to understand their progress/grade; more frequent updates are at the professional discretion of the teacher and may depend on the nature of the curriculum.
  • Enter attendance data per building guidelines, but no later than the end of the business day unless system problems prevent entry. Entry will occur as soon as practically possible if system problems occur. 
  • Adhere to guidelines of technology Responsible Use Guidelines and Civility Regulation

School and District Responsibilities

  • Annually publicize actual dates for required posting of progress updates on school and/or District calendar annually; Eight (8) times per year at high school and six (6) times per year at middle school, in alignment with semester and trimester reporting, is the frequency established at the outset. 
  • Establish process for distributing student and parent passwords
  • Publish information about ESR on District and/or school websites
  • Notify users of ESR regular and unexpected system maintenance
  • Maintain updated information at schools about ESR procedures
  • Ensure that student requests for next year’s classes are available on the ESR system
  • Ensure that on-line schedules are available when school starts
  • Provide training and procedures that encourage access to electronic information systems by students, staff, and parents
  • Establish reasonable controls for the lawful, efficient, and appropriate use and management of the system. 
  • Monitor use of ESR system. Failure to follow District/school guidelines will result in appropriate corrective actions.
  • Evaluate and monitor ESR system and effectiveness of system for students, staff, and parents at least annually.
  • Adhere to guidelines of technology Responsible Use Guidelines and Civility Regulation

Parent Responsibilities

  • Use ESR system with your student to monitor class progress
  • Maximize use of technology resources. Paper copies will be printed out by the teacher only upon request (For those without access to the Internet at home, please contact the school to use school equipment or request paper copies.)
  • Provide current personal, family, and emergency information to the schools
  • Report discrepancies/errors in ESR system data to appropriate building staff
  • Adhere to guidelines of Civility Regulation

Consequences for Violations of ESR Regulation

Rights and responsibilities for students, staff and other users shall be consistent with the District’s standard Regulations and procedures. Violations of the Regulation can constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of access to Issaquah School District equipment, disciplinary action and/or other appropriate legal or criminal action, including restitution, if appropriate. Students shall be subject to the sanctions of WAC Chapter 180-40, as appropriate.



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