2421 - Promotion-Retention-Acceleration
The District recognizes that the rate of physical, social, emotional and academic growth will vary among individual students. Since each student grows at his/her own rate, these individual growth characteristics shall be considered when making promotion/retention/acceleration decisions for younger students.
After a student has successfully completed a year of study at a specific grade level, he/she will be promoted to the next grade. In elementary or middle school, retention at the same grade may be beneficial to the student when he/she is not demonstrating minimum competency in basic skill subjects in relation to ability and grade level. Retention and acceleration should not be considered, except in instances where there is a strong likelihood that the student will benefit with minimum social and emotional disruption.
Upon entry into high school, each student’s expected year of graduation, or base grad year (“BGY”), is set. Thereafter, the student’s BGY remains the same, and his or her grade level advances one grade level per year, regardless of the amount of credits the student obtains or whether the student graduates early based on credits obtained.