3246 - Restraint Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force
The Issaquah School District is committed to providing a safe and beneficial learning environment for all students. Although reasonable force, restraint, and/or isolation of any student should generally be avoided, there are circumstances where such actions are necessary to preserve the safety of students and school staff or protect property from substantial loss or damage. This Regulation sets forth the District’s requirements for use of restraint and isolation with students.
District staff may use reasonable force, restraint or isolation only when necessary to control spontaneous behavior that poses an imminent likelihood of serious harm to the acting student, to another person, or to the property of others.
Physical force, restraint or isolation is reasonable when needed to prevent or minimize an imminent and substantial risk of bodily harm to self or others. If de-escalation interventions have failed or are inappropriate, reasonable physical force or restraint may be used to protect district property from substantial loss or damage.
District staff shall employ the least amount of force, restraint or isolation appropriate to protect the safety of students and staff and shall discontinue the use of force, restraint or isolation as soon as the likelihood of serious harm has dissipated.
Cross References:
- 2161 - Special Education and Related Services
- 3210 - Nondiscrimination
- 3244 - Prohibition of Corporal Punishment
Legal References:
- RCW 70.96B.010 Definitions
- RCW 28A.600.485 Restraint of students with individualized education programs or plans developed under section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973 — Procedures — Definitions
- RCW 28A.155.210 Use of restraint or isolation — Requirement for procedures to notify parent or guardian