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4220P - Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs Procedure

The following guidelines and procedures are intended to protect the rights of all individuals and to assist parents/community members or citizens, and district employees to resolve concerns. These guidelines are based on the belief that satisfactory resolution of problems most often occurs when those parties directly involved have the opportunity to discuss their concerns with each other and work together to resolve the issues.

The procedure outlined below should be followed for any complaint against an Issaquah School District employee. Complaints must be filed in the school year for which the concern occurred. The school year is the full calendar year so a complaint regarding an incident that occurred in June could still be filed through August of that same calendar year. This procedure is not for complaints arising out of student discipline (WAC 180-40), special education (WAC 392-172A) or are criminal in nature.

Step 1:

First the parent/community member shall be required to attempt to resolve the concern or complaint with the individual employee.

Step 2:

If the employee and the parent/community member have not resolved the concern or complaint at Step 1, either party shall attempt to resolve the concern or complaint with the principal or immediate supervisor of the employee to assist with resolution.

Step 3:

If the concern or complaint is not resolved to the parent's/community member’s satisfaction, the parent/community member must then put the complaint in writing on the Parent/Community Member Complaint Form and present it to the building principal or immediate supervisor. The building principal or supervisor must give the employee named in the complaint a copy of the complaint within three (3) working days* of the receipt of the form.

Within ten (10) working days* after the filing the Complaint, the principal or supervisor must discuss the Complaint with the employee, who may have an association/union representative present. The employee shall have ten (10) working days* after the discussion with their supervisor to file a written response with the building principal or supervisor. Following the principal's or supervisor's inquiry or investigation of the Complaint, their response shall be sent by certified mail to the parent/community member not more than thirty (30) working days* after the filing of the complaint. A copy of the administrator's response shall be given to the employee and retained in the building file or District legal file no later than that date.

Should a timeline need to be extended in Step 3, the principal or immediate supervisor shall provide written notice to the parent/community member within fifteen (15) working days* after the filing the Complaint.

Step 4:

If resolution is not attained at Step 3, the association/union shall have the option to formally represent the employee involved.

If the parent/community member is not satisfied with the response of the principal or supervisor, the parent/community member may appeal to the Superintendent or designee in writing within ten (10) working days* of receipt of the Step 3 response. Copies of the appeal request shall be sent to the employee, the principal or supervisor, the Board of Directors and the association/union within three (3) working days* of its receipt by the Superintendent.

Upon receipt of the appeal, the Superintendent or designee shall review any previous inquiry or investigation of the Complaint or conduct a new inquiry or investigation and forward a response by certified mail to the parent within fifteen (15) working days.* At the same time copies of the response shall be given to the employee, the principal or supervisor, the Board of Directors and the association/union.

Should a timeline need to be extended in Step 4, the Superintendent or designee shall provide written notice to the parent/community member within fifteen (15) working days* after the filing the Complaint appeal.

All of the timelines contained herein can be adjusted by the District, with notice, if the nature of the Complaint or time of filing indicates that more time is needed to complete further review, to conduct a new inquiry or investigation, and to process the complaint.

* For purposes of these guidelines and procedures, the term “working day” shall mean any day during the regular school year on which children are scheduled to attend school.



Last Revised:


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