4260P - Use of District Facilities Procedure
Activities directly related to the school program or the support of the school program shall have first priority in the use of school District facilities.
Facility User Classifications
Following are the four classifications of facility users for all of the District's facilities. The classifications are in priority order for use; however, local community activities (participants made up of at least 75% of residents of Issaquah School District) have priority over activities where the majority is not local. Also, the sponsoring or applying organization establishes the classification to be applied in determining the assessment of user fees.
The District may grant another government agency use of school facilities at no charge for meetings or activities providing the purpose of the use are relevant to the goals of the Issaquah School District. The District also reserves the right to enter into an interlocal agreement with another government agency that may modify the following outlined procedures.
Class 1 – District/School Sponsored Groups or In Season Interschool Extracurricular Sports and Activities
(Priorities #1a and 1b)
Priority 1a
The official programs and activities of the schools in the District receive first priority for use. This includes those groups or individuals that are officially formed or subject to control by the District such as site councils, ASB organizations, staff committees, task forces, and citizen advisory groups. These groups will be permitted to use the facilities without charge, unless special provisions are necessary.
Groups other than those listed above, wanting to be considered a “District/School Oriented Group” must meet the following criteria: 1) the planning and organization of the activity is District initiated, 2) the funding, collection of fees and payment of expenditures will be processed through District budgets, and 3) District staff who receive compensation for their participation, will be paid from District funds at established District rates.
Priority 1b
In season interschool extracurricular sports or activities supervised and regulated by a voluntary non-profit entity have also been exempted from the fee schedule, with the exception of specific additional costs outlined in the fee schedule.
Class 2 - ISD affiliated non-profit groups and non-profit local youth organizations.
(Priorities #2a and 2b)
Priority 2a
- Non-profit groups that are affiliated with the Issaquah School District and whose purpose is to support the mission of the District, such as PTAs, Booster Clubs, and School District Employee Groups (IEA, etc.)
- Non-profit local youth organizations who have open enrollment and whose main purpose is to provide recreational activity and the welfare of youth within the District boundaries, such as the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Issaquah Youth Soccer (recreational purpose), Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. These organizations must be open to all District students.
- Non-profit individuals or programs that supplement the District’s instruction of students, such as art, world language and music classes.
- Non-profit camps that are open only to Issaquah School District students and that use volunteer coaches.
Priority 2b
- Youth activities and organizations that do not meet Priority 2a criteria but 75% of whose participants reside in the District, and whose focus is competition such as practices and or games/matches for AAU basketball, or volleyball groups, or select clubs for soccer, baseball and youth football. Games and tournaments for these groups will be classified as Priority 2b activities.
- Out of season interschool extracurricular sports or activities supervised and regulated by a voluntary non-profit entity.
Within this classification, city parks and recreation adult programs operating within their sphere of influence shall have first priority for the next school year if their request for facility needs and completed applications are received at the District Administration Office before the dates which are determined by the Issaquah School District. Issaquah Parks & Recreation adult programs have been exempted from the fee schedule, with the exception of custodial fees, if applicable.
Class 3 – Local service and civic organizations and youth activities that are not Class 2
- Groups/events whose main purpose is to promote the welfare of youth and/or adults of the local community, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis and area homeowners associations, and all other non-profit and individual user groups, i.e., churches, craft shows, meeting space, adult sports, etc.
- For-profit camps or student lessons for Issaquah students, with compensated coaches or instructors.
- Tournaments or competitions that are sponsored by other non-profit groups, clubs, organizations whose total participants make up less than 75% ISD students.
Class 4 – Commercial and Other Functions
Includes semi-professional/professional athletic teams and commercial businesses or organizations which do not possess a non-profit status with the IRS. These include all commercial and/or promotional activities such as for-profit presentations, private tutoring, music lessons, art classes, for profit athletic camps, non-profit athletic camps with less than seventy-five percent (75%) residing within Issaquah School District boundaries, and information meetings on insurance or tax sheltered annuities. Includes all organizations that charge admission and/or participation fees and/or have as a purpose the generation of income for the host group or individual(s).
Professional Fund Raising
Professional fund raisers representing charities must provide evidence that the fund raiser:
- Is recognized by the Philanthropic Division of the Better Business Bureau;
- Is registered and bonded by the state of Washington; and
- Will give the charity at least sixty (60) percent of the gross revenues.
Facility use applications are available at each school building, the District Administration Office, or at the District web site (www.isd411.org).Completed applications should be submitted to the Facilities Use Scheduling office at the District Administration building.
Applications will not be approved for any use in violation of school District policy or for which satisfactory sponsorship or adequate supervision is not provided. Any appeal of a rental charge or of a denial of a facility/field use should be to the District Administration Office.
The District does not intend to disrupt an applicant's use of facilities unnecessarily; however, if the District subsequently needs to reschedule a facility, the applicant's refusal to cooperate shall result in cancellation of the further use of facilities.
Facilities will be scheduled according to the priorities set forth in this procedure. Only a completed District facility use application form constitutes a valid request for use.
Applications must be submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance of a scheduled use. Applications shall not be considered officially approved until a written use agreement has been signed by the applicant (user) and approved by the District Administration Office. Although discouraged, late applications may be considered at the discretion of the District Administration Office.
The following suggested timelines are preferred for submitting applications:
June 1: for dates in September, October, November, December;
September 1: for dates in January, February, March, April, May, June;
April 1: for dates in July and August.
Facility use during scheduled school District holidays/vacations will be limited to availability of District staff and the impact on building cleaning and maintenance schedules. School District facilities will not be booked during the two (2) weeks prior to the start of the school year and the two (2) weeks prior to the end of the school year. Exceptions may be made for rental of the stadiums and fields.
Use of District’s facilities by anyone, including students, for commercial purposes, during the student day shall be allowed only with advance, written permission of the principal. For purposes of this paragraph, the student day is defined to mean the period beginning one (1) hour before the beginning of instruction and ending one (1) hour after the end of instruction at the campus or facility in question.
The District may require that the full rental fee be paid two (2) weeks in advance of the use. A Stadium rental deposit may be required to be paid at the time of application. Otherwise, facility users will be billed monthly. Fees will be considered late if not paid within thirty (30) days.
Fees shall be based upon the fee schedule in effect at the time the application is approved. Failure to pay by the established deadline will result in the District canceling any future requests. At the conclusion of any facility use, the District will determine any charges for extra clean up and bill the user; the user shall pay these charges within 30 days of the billing. Delinquent accounts may be turned over to a collection agency.
Hold Harmless Agreement
The undersigned hereby makes application to the District for use of school facilities described above and certifies that the information given in this application is correct. The undersigned further states that they have the authority to make this application and agrees that all rules and regulations of the Board of Directors and the building administrator(s) will be followed by the participants and will reimburse the District for the use and/or any damage arising from said use of the building as invoiced. In consideration for the use of District premises, the user assumes all liability for and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Issaquah School District, its directors, officers, officials, employees and agents, as well as their successors and assigns, from and against all loss, damage or expense which the District sustains or incurs, and against any and all claims, demands, suits, and actions whatsoever, including expense of investigation and litigation, on account of injury to or death of persons, including without limitation employees of the District, employees/volunteers of the user, any child or adult visiting or participating in any of the user’s programs or on account of damage to or destruction of property, including without limitation property owned by and property in the care, custody or control of the District during the terms of this permit to the extend caused.
Liability Insurance
The facility user will be required to carry general public liability insurance for not less than $1,000,000 bodily injury and $500,000 property damage. A Certificate of Liability Insurance along with the Endorsement Page which lists the Issaquah School District No. 411 as an additional insured must accompany the Facility Use Application. A Certificate of Insurance/Endorsement page will be required for all use of District facilities including:
- Rentals of stadium complexes, commons and performing arts centers at the high schools
- Rentals of gymnasiums and multipurpose rooms
- Rentals of general building areas
- Rental of athletic fields, parking lots and school grounds
Damages and Repairs
If any property or equipment loss or damage occurs during use or occupancy of District facilities, the amount of damage shall be determined by the superintendent/designee. A bill for damages will be presented to the group using or occupying the facilities during the time the loss or damage was sustained.
District Liability for Loss, Theft or Damage
The District assumes no liability for loss, theft, or damage to the equipment or property of users or patrons during the rental period.
Person Responsible
The District shall hold both the individual named on the application as the person in charge and the organization whose name appears on the application jointly responsible for any use of a facility, and both shall accept responsibility for any damage done to school property.
Adult Supervision
All organizations using school facilities will provide adequate adult supervision. Supervisors shall remain with the group during all activities and be responsible for the group's compliance with all appropriate rules and regulations.
Safe and effective crowd control and event management is the sole responsibility of the user. This includes the payment of all working personnel employed by the user for this purpose. Adequate supervisory and security personnel must be provided to safely conduct the activity and protect persons and property. Minimum supervisory, security, and event management personnel shall be determined by the school's principal/designee; however, with or without such recommendation, the user shall provide effective supervision.
User Cancellations
All users are obligated to notify the District if they must cancel a facility use reservation. If the user does not give advance notification of a cancellation (two weeks' notice for a stadium complex facility, 24 hours' notice for all other facilities) to both the principal of the reserved facility and to the District Administration Office, the user may forfeit the deposit/use fee.
District Cancellations
At the sole discretion of the District, the District may cancel an approved facility use application if such action is deemed to be advisable or necessary. Except for unforeseen circumstances, the District will not cancel a scheduled use. Late scheduled school events, such as tournament play and re-scheduled activities supersede this limitation.
In the event of such cancellation, the District shall refund the deposit and any advance payment, and the user shall have no claim or right to damages or expenses. The District shall not be liable for damages or losses by the user.
In an emergency (snow, ice, power outage, energy restrictions, etc.), the District will make a reasonable effort to reschedule any disrupted activity. However, the District is under no obligation to reschedule facility use which is canceled because of an emergency.
Fire and Safety Regulations
At all times, the user shall observe fire and safety regulations of the school District, local municipality and state of Washington. In the event of a false fire alarm during a user’s event, the user will be responsible for the associated costs/fine assessment.
The District shall grant access to facilities in accordance with the time specified on the use application. Unless otherwise arranged, evening use of school facilities shall conclude no later than 10:00 p.m.
Special Arrangements–Equipment and Staff
Use of District-owned equipment shall be negotiated on a per request basis. Only those facilities and equipment expressly agreed to in the application will be available to the user. The use of any equipment must be approved by the school's principal/designee, who shall be satisfied that a competent operator is in charge of the equipment during use. If necessary, the principal/designee will assign Issaquah District staff, and the user will be responsible for reimbursing the District at the appropriate rate. A published fee may be charged for District-owned equipment.
Tables, chairs, desks, pianos, and other furniture and equipment shall not be moved from one room to another unless specifically called for in the application and under the direct supervision of a District employee.
If the user wants to use District audio/visual equipment the user must employ a qualified operator that will be present. A District staff technician or pre-approved operator must be present when equipment of a highly technical nature, such as stage and sound equipment, is to be used. The cost of the technician(s) shall be assumed by the user. The District is under no obligation to make equipment or technicians available to users.
A kitchen employee must be in attendance when any kitchen mechanical equipment is used. The fee shall be as listed on the Fees for Other Services section within this procedure. Minimum callback is two (2) hours. The user may negotiate a per meal cost with Food Services in lieu of an hourly rate.
If a school facility is used during a day or during the evening of a day when school has not been in session, the District will charge an additional fee for the overtime pay of the school custodian or for costs of other special arrangements. District staff must be present and will supervise the facility usage, with the exception of general play fields.
The rate for custodial service is listed on the Fees for Other Services section within this procedure. The cost will be calculated for the hours of use plus a minimum of a half an hour for set up and one hour for cleanup. Minimum custodial callbacks shall be three (3) hours.
Charges for extra services (i.e., extensive cleanup/set up requirements) beyond normal facility use will be billed at the hourly custodial cost listed on the Fees for Other Services section within this procedure.
No balloons, decorations or application of materials to walls or floors shall be allowed without the prior permission of the building principal.
The school District will provide normal janitorial services in connection with the use of facilities. Users, at their own expense, are required to remove any materials, equipment, furnishings, or rubbish left after use of school facilities.
Religious/Sectarian Use
Applications must be submitted annually. The use of school facilities by religious/sectarian groups for worship shall be restricted to the day(s) of the week for which their services are normally scheduled.
Competition with Private Enterprise
The District does not wish to compete unfairly with private enterprise. The District reserves the right to reject any application for use of a school facility when administrators believe a commercial facility should be patronized.
Games of chance, lotteries, raffles, etc., are not allowed on school District property. An exception to this rule may be the limited use of such games as entertainment in fund-raising events sponsored by the Class I parent and student groups.
Profane language and disruptive conduct shall not be permitted on school premises.
Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco Products
The use, possession or consumption of illicit drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited on all school property.
State law and District policy prohibit the use of all tobacco products on any school property, including buildings and grounds.
Building Keys
Under no circumstances will District employees issue or loan facility keys to anyone.
Nothing contained in these procedures or the granting of permission to use school facilities shall be construed as the District's endorsement of an organization or an activity.
Employee Use of Facilities for Commercial Purposes
District employees may not use District facilities for for-profit activities without prior approval from the superintendent/designee. If approved, employees must pay a rate determined appropriate for the activity.
Other Rules
Individual schools may compile and post in a conspicuous location other supplemental special rules which are applicable to specific situations and locations.
All Fields Except Stadium Complexes/Synthetic Turf Fields
School fields (playgrounds, practice fields, baseball diamonds, soccer/football fields, tennis courts, and tracks) may be used at other than regular school hours in accordance with the following conditions. As a general rule, District staff may not be required to be present.
- The use shall not interfere in any way with school activities.
- Grounds shall not be subjected to undue damage or wear.
- Use of fields which creates a hazard or unreasonable restriction of use by others shall not be permitted.
- All organized use of school District fields must be in accordance with an approved Facility Use Application.
- All organized use of school District fields must have adequate adult supervision during the activity.
- All markings and pre-game preparation shall be the responsibility of the organization scheduled for use of the field and shall be pre-approved if there is the potential of interference with normal markings or other uses of the field.
- Continued use of a field by an organization shall be dependent upon that organization leaving the field and spectator area in good order after the activity.
- The use of baseball diamonds, tracks, or other athletic fields for golf practice, flying motorized model airplanes, operating vehicles or exercising animals is prohibited.
- Access to a building by persons using the fields is prohibited unless special arrangements have been made. Field access to a building may involve the assessment of charge(s). Users may be required to provide portable toilets.
Stadium Complexes
Field Supervision and Event Management
The field manager/supervisor must be on duty during field use by non-school groups. Personnel shall be included in the rental fee. The user may request assistance from the District for additional supervisory personnel for which an additional fee will be charged.
The field manager shall assure that a qualified operator will supervise the use of equipment. If necessary, the manager shall assign Issaquah District staff, and the user will be responsible for reimbursing the District at the appropriate rate.
The field manager is authorized to refuse or discontinue field use to any group exhibiting inappropriate behavior, not having proper supervision, or violating the law or District policies and procedures.
Organizations must have procedures to conclude contests by the specified ending time. Lack of cooperation in meeting scheduled opening and ending times and/or adherence to the rules and regulations for use of the stadium complexes may be grounds for denial of use by that group in the future and/or the imposition of additional fees.
District personnel are required to report the time that the user group arrives, the time the group leaves, any additional service(s) required by the group, and the actual facilities used by the group. District personnel are authorized to refuse the group the use of any facilities or equipment not included on the permit unless it is specifically cleared with the field manager.
The final user group for the day must vacate of the stadium complex prior to the time the manager locks all doors and gates and secures the complex.
All approved uses will be scheduled so as to allow adequate set up and take down time between events/uses. Sufficient scheduled times for clean-up and custodial services shall be calculated by the field manager at the time the application is approved.
The District reserves the right to approve or deny the sale of all concessions, including food and beverages. Each school reserves the right to operate the concession stand. A fee will be assessed for use of the concession stand if not operated by the school. State law and District policy prohibit the use of tobacco and/or alcohol at all times.
Field Regulations
The user shall be responsible for the enforcement of the following regulations:
Care of the Stadium Complexes
- Participants and officials must wear molded sole shoes or tennis shoes on the artificial turf.
- Track spikes are limited to 1/4" in length only and are limited to and for use on the track, runways and high jump aprons.
- Substances which may stain the artificial turf or track, such as crepe paper, soft drinks, gum, coffee, vaseline, candy, etc., must be kept outside the playing area fence. Only water will be allowed inside the track area.
- The use of sharp objects or golf clubs on the artificial turf surface and track is prohibited.
- Only participants (coaches, players or officials) are permitted inside the playing area fence, including the track and field area.
- Marking or painting on the track, turf or other facility surfaces is prohibited. Competitors in track must use moveable markers.
- Cheerleaders may use team run-through signs. However, such activity is limited to the blacktop area in the end zone.
General Requirements
- No motor vehicles are allowed on the track or artificial turf.
- Motor bikes are to be driven and parked in the parking lot only.
- The following are examples of activities not permitted inside the perimeter of the facility:
- Bicycle riding.
- Bringing animals into the bleacher area or on the fields.
- Skateboard riding/roller-skating.
- Unsafe or boisterous conduct, improper language, and other objectionable practices will not be allowed and must be controlled by the user.
- Alcoholic beverages or controlled substances shall not be brought onto or consumed on school property. State law and District policy prohibit the use of tobacco and tobacco products on all District property.
- Kicking or bouncing balls against the fences, grandstands, or any standing structure is prohibited.
- Burning material of any kind is prohibited within the complex.
- No signs/posters are to be brought into the complex without prior approval. Approved signs may be posted according to District rules.
General Information Pertaining to Stadium Complexes
Minimum stadium complex rental is two (2) hours on school days and three (3) hours on non-school days. All fees will be based on half-hour increments.
Joggers will not be permitted to use the stadium during events. Schools will make provisions for, and establish their own rules with regard to jogger access.
Youth is defined as being of high school age or younger.
Rental of equipment is not included in the fee schedule. Special arrangements for use/rental of equipment may be made through the field manager of each school.
Athletic Camps
Athletic camps, included and not limited to holiday and summer breaks, provide activities for students when classes are not in session. Such camps require the attention of the District to ensure that they do not constitute an undue liability exposure or a Title IX equity issue.
Statues permit the use and rental of playgrounds, athletic fields, or athletic facilities (RCW 28A.335.150). This law specifies that each District must adopt regulations setting forth the compensation and terms of such use.
The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) also has rules regulating the activities of coaches and District staff involved in off-season activities. It is important that coaches review their activities with their Athletic Directors to ensure that they are in compliance with District policies and procedures and the WIAA rules.
All non-District parties using District facilities for activities including holiday and summer athletic camps, are required to sign a District Facility Use Agreement. This Agreement must contain a “hold harmless” clause to protect the District from liability and name the District as an additional insured by endorsement. (All facility users will be required to provide evidence of General Liability Insurance for not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury and property damage coverage or $500,000 per person/$1,000,000 per occurrence bodily injury and $500,000 per occurrence property damage.)
District employees may not utilize District facilities for a for-profit/commercial enterprise. District employees or coaches who operate holiday and summer camps under the umbrella of a District authorized non-profit organization must pay the use fees appropriate for that organization. District authorized non-profit organizations include the ASB, PTA/PTSAs and Booster Clubs.
Building Use Fee Schedule[1]
Facility |
ISD Affiliated Non-Profit Groups and Non-Profit Local Youth Organizations |
Local Service/Civic Orgs & Youth Activities |
Commercial Groups/Other Functions |
Classroom |
No Charge |
$19.00 per hr |
$30.00 per hr |
Library |
No Charge |
$25.00 per hr |
$35.00 per hr |
Elementary Multi-Purpose Room |
No Charge |
$26.00per hr |
$78.00 per hr |
Elementary Gym |
No Charge |
$26.00 per hr |
$78.00 per hr |
Elementary Outdoor Space |
No Charge |
$10.00 per hr |
$30.00 per hr |
Elementary/Middle School Stage |
No Charge |
$15.00 per hr |
$30.00 per hr |
Middle/High School Aux Gym |
No Charge |
$45.00 per hr |
$78.00 per hr |
Middle/High School Main Gym |
No Charge |
$45.00 per hr |
$101.00 per hr |
Middle School Commons |
No Charge |
$35.00 per hr |
$55.00 per hr |
High School Commons |
No Charge |
$35.00 per hr |
$80.00 per hr |
High School Full Theater |
No Charge |
$90.00 per hr |
$150.00 per hr |
High School Basic Theater |
No Charge |
$78.00 per hr |
$110.00 per hr |
Black Box |
No Charge |
$20.00 per hr |
$30.00 per hr |
Theater Tech | No Charge | $40.00 per hr | $40.00 per hr |
Dress/Green Room |
No Charge |
$15.00 per day |
$30.00 per day |
Music Room |
No Charge |
$20.00 per hr |
$60.00 per hr |
Tennis Courts |
No Charge |
$10.00 per hr/per court |
$15.00 per hr/per court |
Parking Lots |
$20.00 per day |
$50.00 per day |
$75.00 per day |
[1]Class 1: No charge shall be made for the use of school facilities, except when the service required will result in an additional expense to the District. In such cases, a charge equal to the additional cost shall be made, e.g., custodial fee, special equipment arrangements, kitchen employees, energy costs. The building use fee schedule assumes that no additional building heat will be supplied. If heat is requested, an energy charge will be assessed during weekend use only.
Stadium Complex Fee Schedule
Facility |
ISD Affiliated Non-Profit Groups and Non-Profit Local Youth Organizations |
Local Service/Civic Orgs & Youth Activities |
Commercial Groups/Other Functions |
Field/Track/Restrooms/Field Mgr |
$50.00 per hr |
$150.00 per hr |
$250.00 per hr |
Lights |
$30.00 per hr |
$40.00 per hr |
$50.00 per hr |
Locker Room[1] |
$165.00 per event |
$180.00 per event |
$200.00 per event |
Press Box & PA System |
$30.00 per event |
$60.00 per event |
$75.00 per event |
Scoreboard Equipment |
$30.00 per event |
$60.00 per event |
$75.00 per event |
Ticket Booth |
$30.00 per hr |
$45.00 per hr |
$60.00 per hr |
Concession Stand[2] |
$30.00 per hr |
$50.00 per hr |
$85.00 per hr |
Middle School Turf Field & Track
Facility |
ISD Affiliated Non-Profit Groups and Non-Profit Local Youth Organizations (Class 2) |
Local Service/Civic Orgs & Youth Activities |
Commercial Groups/Other Functions |
Middle School Field Use (Turf) |
$40.00 per hr |
$55.00 per hr |
$110.00 per hr |
Lights | $30.00 per hr | $30.00 per hr | $35.00 per hr |
Middle/High School Baseball/Softball Field Fee Schedule
Facility |
ISD Affiliated Non-Profit Groups and Non-Profit Local Youth Organizations (Class 2) |
Local Service/Civic Orgs & Youth Activities |
Commercial Groups/Other Functions |
HS/MS Field Use (Grass) |
$10.00 per hr |
$30.00 per hr |
$50.00 per hr |
HS Baseball Field Use (Turf) |
$35.00 per hr |
$60.00 per hr |
$100.00 per hr |
Full Field Prep |
$15.00 per use |
$15.00 per use |
$15.00 per use |
1 Use of the locker room is restricted unless advance approval has been granted.
2 Use of the concession stand is restricted unless advance approval has been granted. ASB has first priority to run the concession stand.
ASB Athletic Fee (High School Stadiums only) for outside fields: $10.00 per event.
Weight Room Equipment Fee: $15.00 per use
$2.00 fee per event for use of honey bucket at PCMS (all outside fields) and LHS (Baseball/Softball field only)
Fees for Other Services
ASB Fee:
- High School Stadiums only - $10.00 per event
Energy Fee:
- Elementary - $15.00
- Middle & High School - $20.00
Kitchen Technician: $32.00/hour
Custodial Services: $40.00/hour (overtime rate); $175.00 (holiday surcharge)
District-Owned Equipment: The District reserves the right to assess a fee if necessary, i.e.; piano, audio/visual equipment.
Extensive Setup Fee: Any group requiring extensive setup and cleanup, or groups larger than 100 in attendance will be charged a setup fee of $35.00. (Weekdays only)