4312P - School Safety and Security Services Program
The District’s superintendent or designee shall be responsible for monitoring and coordinating the District’s compliance with RCW 28A.320.124.
A. District Employees
All complaints about district-employed security staff should be made and investigated in accordance with Regulation and Procedure 4220 and 4220P.
B. Contracted Safety and Security Staff
Should the District contract with a third-party provider for safety and security staff, the District’s superintendent or designee shall be responsible for receiving and investigating any complaints about such contracted staff.
1. School or district administrators who receive a complaint about a contracted safety and security staff member shall promptly notify the superintendent or designee and provide a copy of this Procedure to the complainant.
2. Upon receiving a complaint, the superintendent or designee shall promptly notify the contracted safety and security staff member’s supervisor at the third-party provider employing the staff member who is the subject of the complaint, along with a copy of the complaint.
3. Any complaint shall:
- Be written;
- Be signed by the complainant;
- Describe the specific acts, conditions, or circumstances at issue;
- Clearly indicate a desire for the District to investigate the allegations; and
- Be filed with the superintendent or designee within thirty (30) days of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint.
4. Upon receipt of the complaint, the District’s superintendent or designee will provide the complainant a copy of Board Regulation 4312 and this Procedure in a language the complainant can understand, which may require language assistance for complainants with limited-English proficiency, in accordance with Title VI. There will be a thorough investigation of the complaint with cooperation between the District and the applicable third-party provider.
5. Following completion of the investigation, the superintendent or designee shall provide a full written report of the complaint and the results of the investigation, including an objective evaluation of all evidence, to the complainant, the contracted safety and security staff member who is the subject of the complaint, and their representatives, if any, unless the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant without an investigation or prior to the submission of a written report.
6. The superintendent or designee shall respond in writing to the parties in a language the parties can understand, which may require language assistance for a party with limited English proficiency, in accordance with Title VI.
7. Retaliation for filing complaints or otherwise participating, or refusing to participate, in the investigation of a complaint is strictly prohibited. No individual may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any other individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured under the District’s regulations and procedures and/or state or federal law, or because the individual has made a report or complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation or process under this Procedure.
Annual Data Collection and Reporting
The District must annually collect the following information on safety and security staff:
A. The total number of safety and security staff working in the District and in each school building, and number of days per week that each staff works;
B. The name of any law enforcement agency or private organization with which the District has an agreement for safety and security services;
C. A description of each incident where safety and security staff were involved that resulted in student discipline, use of force against a student, or a student arrest. For each student involved in the incident, the description must include:
- The student’s race, ethnicity, and other demographics; and
- Whether the student has an individualized education program or plan developed under section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973.
D. The number of complaints related to job duties and student interactions filed against safety and security staff; and
E. Other school safety and security information required by the office of the superintendent of public instruction (OSPI).
The District must annually submit any agreements with a law enforcement agency, as well as the information collected above to OSPI. The District will provide this information in the time and in the manner required by OSPI. OSPI will make the submitted agreements and information publicly available. To the extent possible, information collected under C. above must be disaggregated as provided in RCW 28A.300.042.