5050 - Staff Contracts
When applicable, the District will issue employment contracts that conform with state law and the policies and negotiated agreements of the District. The contracts for certificated staff will be written for a period not to exceed one year. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent contracts for selected classified staff may be in writing and/or for a specific period of time not to exceed one year. Otherwise the employment of classified staff will be on a month-to-month basis commencing from the first day of work.
Supplemental contracts, which are not subject to the continuing contract statute, may be issued for services to be rendered in addition to a staff member’s normal “full-time” assignment.
All teachers, unique needs specialists, and educational assistants working in a program supported with federal funds shall meet all applicable qualification requirements.
Last Revised:
Cross References:
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.330.100 Additional powers of the board
- RCW 28A.400.300 Hiring and discharging of employees — Written leave policies — Seniority and leave benefits of employees transferring between school districts and other educational employers
Management Resources:
- Policy News, October 2010 Employment Disclosures