5406 - Leave Sharing
The District will establish and administer a leave sharing plan in which eligible employees may donate excess leave for use by an eligible recipient who is suffering from, or has a relative or household member suffering from, an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition, or who has been called to service in the uniform services.
Such a program is intended to extend leave benefits to an eligible recipient who otherwise would have to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment.
The superintendent will establish procedures to donate leave for staff members who: (1) earn personal holiday leave and (2) accrue annual leave and sick leave for use by other staff in case of illness, injuries or emergencies. The superintendent is directed to administer the leave sharing plan in a manner consistent with state law and applicable collective bargaining agreements.
Cross References:
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.400.380 Leave sharing program
- RCW 41.04.650-665 Leave sharing program - Intent
- WAC 392-126-004 -104 Finance
Management Resources:
- 2010 - October Issue
- Policy News, October 2004 Revisions to the State Leave Sharing Program
- Policy News, August 1999 Staff may share personal holiday