6114 - Gifts and Memorials
A. Gifts
The District recognizes that individuals and organizations in the community may wish to contribute additional supplies, equipment, or money to enhance or extend the instructional program. All gifts shall be discussed with the appropriate administrator prior to submission to the District (see procedures).
Any gift to the District or to an individual school or department of money, materials or equipment having a value of $5,000.00 or greater shall be subject to Board approval. In no event shall any commitment be made by a staff member or other individuals in return for any gift to the District or to a school or department without the Board's authorization. The Board shall not authorize gifts that are inappropriate, which carry with them unsuitable conditions or which shall obligate the District to future expenditures from the general fund which are out of proportion to the value of the gift. All gifts shall become District property and shall be accepted without obligation relative to use and/or disposal.
The superintendent shall establish criteria to be met in the acceptance of gifts to the District.
B. Online Gifts
Monetary gifts received online will be exempt from preapproval. All online gifts will be evaluated against the District gift Regulation as they are received. Any gift received online that does not align with District Regulation will be returned to the donor.
C. Memorials
The Issaquah School District appreciates that individuals or groups may wish to make contributions to the school District to establish memorials. All memorials are gifts to the District and must be accepted by the Board of Directors with the exception of scholarships that are maintained out- side of the District.
Appropriate enduring memorials which may be individualized are scholarships, library/media materials, appropriate pictures, plants and monetary gifts to specific programs or for specific building identified needs. Large, permanently constructed memorial areas shall be limited to one per site and shall be intended for generic use to honor others also, rather than be maintained for only a particular individual. Fund raising or dedication ceremonies will be conducted outside of the regular school day.
All District buildings will be named by the Board of Directors in accordance with Regulation 6970 and Board Governance Policy (GP) 3. Specific portions of a building may be dedicated to individuals with approval of the Board of Directors.
Within the bounds of the District Regulation, each individual District site may also develop a memorial protocol that is specific to that location.
Cross References:
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.320.030 Gifts, conveyances, etc., for scholarship and student aid purposes, receipt and administration