6510 - Safety Awareness and Accident Prevention
The superintendent shall require that each principal and departmental director supervise the operation of their school or department so as to assure compliance with state and federal safety and health requirements. When conditions of disrepair or hazard appear, they shall be reported immediately to the superintendent/designee. If they constitute a significant threat to the safety of students or others, school or departmental operations shall be altered in such a way as to eliminate the threat with as little disruption of the school or departmental program as possible.
Rules and procedures shall be developed that shall provide for:
- A safe and healthy working environment;
- An accident prevention program, including first aid training for supervisory staff;
- Compliance with state, federal, local government and District safety regulations;
- An accident reporting and recording system which shall fulfill state and District requirements; and
- Fire drills and practice in other emergency
Cross References:
- 2151 - Interscholastic Athletics
- 3432 - Emergencies
- 6511 - Staff Safety and Hazard Communication
- 6605 - Bus Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- 6802 - Care of District Facilities
Legal References:
- RCW 8A.335.300 Playground matting
- WAC 246-366 Department of Health - Primary and Secondary Schools
- WAC 296-24 General Safety and Health Standards