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6510P - Safety Awareness and Accident Prevention Procedure

Proper surveillance and supervision are the key factors in accident prevention. Identifying and minimizing potential hazards is a major function of a competent supervisor. Realistically, a supervisor cannot prevent all accidents from happening. However, the following guidelines are presented to assist in identifying prudent steps that need to be implemented on a District-wide basis.

  1. Student supervision begins with the arrival of the first school bus and ends with the departure of the last bus.
    1. Exceptions to the above need to be accurately communicated to parents, e., intramural activities, detention, missed bus, etc.
    2. Absent an approved exception, the parents of students who arrive earlier than thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of class or remain more than thirty (30) minutes after the last class will be subject to a child care supervision fee.
  2. Playground supervisors must have the support of the principal and the entire staff in order to function effectively.
    1. An inservice program for playground supervisors should be conducted each year.
    2. High density and high risk areas should be identified along with the most strategic vantage point for good supervision at each school site.
    3. Students should be diverted into productive, safe play whenever possible.
  3. Safety inspections must be conducted on a regular basis:
    1. A punch list of specific areas and equipment specific to each school site should be developed by the principal and custodian.
    2. The building custodian should make the inspection with the principal or at the principal's request.
    3. The inspection should be made prior to starting school, and periodically throughout the year.
  4. Students should be oriented to the school setting the first week of school.
    1. Students should be informed of designated areas for specific activities.
    2. Rules of play on apparatus with emphasis on do’s and don'ts for safety should be emphasized.
  5. Consistent criteria for submitting accident reports shall be developed and implemented for liability protection and accident surveillance.
  6. Each school shall establish a safety committee composed of teachers, the principal, nurse, playground supervisor, custodian, and student representative for the purpose of evaluating and enhancing safety practices and conditions at the school site.
  7. The following safety practices will be employed in the specific areas identified below:
    1. Hallways
      Potential hazards should be removed or reduced in the buildings and grounds of the District, including:
      1. Slippery surfaces should be eliminated in areas where there is student or staff traffic.
      2. Rough surfaces and abrupt surface changes should be eliminated or identified with "safety yellow paint."
      3. Student traffic should be controlled wherever collisions might occur, such as doorways to and from play areas.
    2. Playground and Playground Equipment

      The District recognizes that playground equipment is an essential part of a complete school facility. All playground equipment, whether purchased by the District or donated by a community or school-related group, should be assessed in terms of suitability and durability and for possible health or safety hazards. Plans to install playground equipment, either temporarily or permanently at a school site, should be reviewed by the school principal and other appropriate staff members. A representative from the current insurance carrier should be contacted prior to installation. Consideration shall also be given to potential hazards when the playground is unsupervised during non-school hours.

      Equipment and playgrounds shall be properly located, installed and supervised. Procedures or criteria to be used are:
      1. Playground equipment should be selected and installed based upon safety and contribution to child development.
      2. All playground equipment should have an immediate ground surface which limits the impact from a fall, according to ASTM F-355-72. The safety surface must extend to the maximum distance to which a fall could occur.
      3. Equipment should be placed so as to take advantage of topography of surrounding terrain and far enough apart so that there will be a dispersion of children allowing safe, free movement with the least possible congestion.
      4. All equipment should be free from hazardous protrusions, points and sharp edges.
      5. Exposed component materials should be rust-free, clean and durable to use and weather with a minimum amount of splintering, flaking or other deterioration. Lead paint and creosote shall not be used.
      6. Equipment that is low to the ground and with a six (6) foot maximum vertical limit is preferred.
      7. All moving parts should be concealed and be designed to minimize the chances of pinching or catching of clothing or of body.
      8. The maintenance supervisor or construction supervisor shall coordinate installation of approved equipment with the school principal.
      9. All equipment should be securely anchored according to manufacturer's recommendations and installed by the manufacturer or their authorized representative, unless otherwise authorized by the director of construction or the director of maintenance.
      10. Equipment should require a minimum of maintenance, specifically for replacement of parts and painting.
      11. Equipment should be aesthetically appealing, and encourage active and creative use.
      12. Equipment should be difficult to vandalize.
      13. Unpadded cement or steel stationary poles should not be in areas intended for running games.
      14. Periodic inspections should be conducted.
      15. Instruction about the proper use of equipment and safety measures relevant to each piece of equipment should be provided at the beginning of each school year.
      16. Supervision should be provided on playgrounds and around equipment.
      17. Fencing should be provided where playgrounds are adjacent to streets or highways.
      18. Barriers should be installed and maintained to prevent people from damaging turf and playground equipment with horses and/or motor vehicles.
    3. Physical Education Facilities

      An organized, developmental curriculum should emphasize proper care and use of equipment, including the following:
      1. Safety rules and procedures outlined to students and conspicuously posted.
      2. Supervision provided at a student/teacher ratio that is conducive to safe participation.
      3. Activities involving physical contact scheduled on the basis of equitable competition based on size and skill.
      4. Emergency accident procedures employed, followed by the completion of an accident report.
      5. Skills introduced and taught in a sequence from simple to complex.
      6. Equipment and facilities inspected on a regular basis.
      7. Teachers of high-risk activities trained in first aid and emergency care.
    4. Chemical Storage and Science Laboratory Safety

      The District recognizes the potential health and safety hazards that exist as a result of chemical storage and handling. Instruction shall be emphasized in the safe and proper use of chemicals and substances and proper laboratory techniques. All students and staff are to wear safety glasses or goggles whenever they are working under potentially hazardous conditions. Laboratories should be ventilated sufficiently enough to provide a healthful, non-hazardous environment.

      Care is required in the use and storage of science materials and equipment. The following equipment and procedures must be in place prior to use of these areas:
      1. Personal protective equipment available and used when working in laboratory.
      2. Safety measures (hazards and dangers) associated with a laboratory activity taught and recognized.
      3. Emergency safety equipment and first aid techniques (eyewash fountain, shower, respirator, fire extinguishers, face protection, fire blanket) easily accessed.
      4. Laboratory exhaust hoods used for experiments involving toxic and/or flammable materials.
      5. Chemicals marked (name, shelf life, date opened) and stored with proper supervision.
      6. Waste chemicals and glass disposed properly.
      7. Science room secured and all cabinets or storage areas containing hazardous materials locked when not in use.
      8. Compressed gas cylinders chained in an upright position.
      9. Flammables stored in an explosive-proof refrigerator.
      10. Master gas shutoff provided for each laboratory.
    5. Industrial Arts Shops

      The program should be built around well-organized facilities, well-maintained and properly installed equipment, instruction in the use of equipment and proper supervision which includes the following criteria:
      1. Students instructed in the proper use of equipment.
      2. All belts, blades, safety devices and cords inspected weekly.
      3. Personal protective devices (goggles, caps, ) and proper clothing used as part of shop procedures.
      4. Exhaust hoods and collector fans used for ventilation.
      5. Guards and other safety devices used on saws, lathes, drills and other shop equipment.
      6. Operating instructions posted near all equipment.
      7. First aid and emergency accident procedures posted.
      8. Shop area maintained free of hazards.
    6. Cafeteria Tables

      Portable, folding tables used in school cafeterias should be moved by trained personnel only. Each table should have a consumer products label attached.
    7. Bleachers

      Because of the dangers inherent in bleachers that are improperly operated and/or maintained, trained school personnel should be involved in extending or closing bleachers.
      1. Bleachers must be fully extended and properly aligned each time that they are to be used.
      2. Bleachers shall be inspected for damage, wear and misalignment at least twice per year and maintained in accordance with the owner's manual.
      3. Guardrails should be installed as a safety precaution.
      4. A consumer products label should be attached to each set of bleachers.



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