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6511 - Staff Safety and Hazard Communication

The District recognizes that safety and health standards should be incorporated into all aspects of the operation of the District. Rules for safety and prevention of accidents shall be posted in compliance with OSHA and WISHA requirements. All hazardous chemicals will be identified and properly labeled. Staff members will be trained in the use of these chemicals specific to their respective jobs. Proper records will be maintained to verify that all of the preventive and safety measures are in place. Injuries and accidents shall be reported to the District office.

The District shall ensure that methods are in place to inform employees and contractors who have employees working at the District’s workplace, regarding hazardous chemicals that employees may be exposed to while performing their work. Such information shall include suggestions for appropriate protective measures and who to contact if a safety concern should arise.

The District shall have at least one staff member at each school and work site in the District who holds a valid certificate of first aid training or equivalent training provided by the District nurses. Each school and work site shall have first aid supplies readily accessible and if the work site has more than fifty employees a first-aid station shall be established. 



Last Revised:


Related Procedure:

Cross References:


  • RCW 49.17 Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act