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6625 - Private Vehicle Transportation

The use of private vehicles under the following circumstances may be authorized by the superintendent/designee:

  1. Under unusual circumstances, the District may request parents, or a responsible adult, to drive children to school in their own vehicles on a per-mile cost reimbursable The Transportation Department determines when in-lieu transportation would be advantageous to the District and arranges its implementation. In cases where car pools are formed by families, reimbursement shall be provided only to the parent whose car is used to transport the students to school.
  2. Upon written approval of the principal, staff may transport students when a student's welfare or due care dictates prompt Staff who transport students to and from school-authorized activities, including extra- curricular activities and field trips, must be in compliance with all driver certifications (use form 6625F). The mileage of the staff member shall be reimbursed by the District.
  3. Upon written approval of the principal, the use of private transportation is sanctioned for occasional classroom field trips (see Regulation 2320).
  4. The District employee supervising an activity involving the use of private cars must have written parental permission for students to participate in the activity.

The superintendent shall establish procedures for the use of private auto transportation which shall include confirmation of insurance coverage in form and amount sufficient to meet the needs of the District as recommended by the District’s insurance broker.



Last Revised:


Related Procedure:

Related Form:

Legal References:

  • RCW 28A.160.030 Authorizing individual transportation or other arrangements
  • WAC 392-143-070 Other vehicles used to transport students