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6802P2 - Care of District Facilities Procedure for Damage or Loss

The following steps shall be taken upon evidence that school property has been damaged or lost, whether or not the action was willful:

  1. Damage of any nature to school property shall be reported to the school principal.
  2. A current version of the WSRMP Incident/Accident Report Form shall be submitted to the superintendent/designee. In the event of a break-in, whether damage is noted or not, the superintendent/designee shall report the occurrence to a law enforcement agency. Care shall be taken to avoid damaging prints or any other evidence that may be associated with the break-in.
  3. An investigation to establish the individuals responsible for acts of vandalism or theft shall be initiated.
  4. Repair or replacement costs for damage shall be estimated by the maintenance department 
  5. If it is determined that students are responsible for the damage, parents shall be informed, in writing, regarding the nature of the damages, how restitution may be made, and how appeal may be initiated.
  6. The business office upon receipt of the damage or loss report shall bill the student's parent for the repair or replacement costs.
  7. Copies of the parent notification along with estimate of damages shall be sent to the superintendent/designee.
  8. The superintendent/designee will review any appeal made by the student and/or parent.



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