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6805 - Key and Security Card Control

Key and security card control records will be maintained at all buildings and departments under the control of the District. All Schools and departments will maintain current records of individual keys and security cards issued. The building principal will provide Facility Services a current and accurate list of any security cards issued. This will be provided no later than the first Friday in August.

For purposes of this Regulation, key control shall include keys and security cards/fobs for all buildings and physical property, including, but not limited to doors, gates, vehicles. Keys and alarm cards should be issued on an as “required” basis and not solely on the basis of convenience.

Keys are issued by, and remain the property of the District. Signatures must be obtained for all keys issued. Duplication of District keys by individual employees is specifically prohibited. When terminating assignments the Personnel Department, building principal, or department supervisor, as appropriate, will be responsible for collecting all keys issued to the employee.

Upon receipt of a work order submitted by an authorized representative, the Maintenance Department will issue and deliver keys to the designated school/department representative. The designated school/department representative will sign for receipt of the keys on a copy of the completed work order. The District locksmith will be responsible for coding individual keys and maintaining a District-wide database of keys for each site.

Upon separation of employment, the building will notify Facility Services of any changes or modifications. The Facility Services office will maintain a current and accurate listing of security cards issued to schools and departments.

Master keys of any type may only be requested and authorized by the Principal or District Administrator for those individuals requiring them as part of their position and job responsibilities. This authority may not be delegated. Keys of any kind shall not be issued to non-District employees without specific written approval. Keys may not be loaned or given to students at any time unless approved by the principal or designee. Employees loaning or giving keys to students or non-school employees will be subject to discipline.

Key and security card records shall, at a minimum, show the following information:

  1. Key or security card number or other appropriate identification
  2. Name of issuer and building or department
  3. Name of receiver
  4. Date Issued
  5. Room number(s) or location supported
  6. Type of issue: Permanent or Temporary
  7. Signature of issuer
  8. Signature of receiver
  9. Annual date(s) the key check is updated

A report of missing or lost keys must be made to the employee’s immediate supervisor or designee.

