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6865P - Recycling and Waste Stream Reduction Procedure

A. General requirements

The Issaquah School District will substantially increase its procurement of products with recycled content. Thus, we will provide a model to encourage a comparable commitment by Washington State citizens and businesses. The District will do the following:

  1. Designate the District's purchasing officer to serve as primary contact with the Washington State Department of General Administration and to respond to requests for information.
  2. Adopt a minimum purchasing goal for products with recycled content as a percentage of the total dollar value of supplies purchased.
  3. Develop and implement strategy to achieve purchasing goals for products with recycled content.
  4. Review and revise procurement Regulations and specifications to ensure that recycled products are not excluded.
  5. In all procurement solicitations, shall include a notification of agency intent to procure products with recycled This notice shall include a description of post-consumer waste content or recycled content requirements and a description of the District's recycled content preference program.
  6. Consider the purchase of playground matting manufactured from shredded waste tires.
  7. Require vendors to certify the percentage of recycled content, including post- consumer waste, in products sold to the Certification shall be in the form of a product label or a vendor statement attached to the bid documents.

B. Building-level recycling efforts

Each building's principal will facilitate development of a recycling and waste reduction action plan and share it with the superintendent or superintendent's designee. Building action plans will be built upon the audit of the District's facilities and subsequent waste stream analysis report, both coordinated by a King County Waste Reduction/Recycling Specialist.

Based upon a plan developed by the business office and building representatives, a percentage of the annual savings attributed to building recycling/waste reduction efforts will be distributed to the buildings in each subsequent year.

From District resources, grants and/or gifts, the District will furnish bins for collecting recyclable materials and for such uses as creating compost (for example, using "worm bins"). The District will contract with appropriate agencies for the collection of recyclable materials.

C. Guidelines for paper use

As soon as possible, all imprinted letterhead paper, envelopes and business cards shall be composed of recycled paper and shall bear an imprint identifying the paper as recycled.

To reduce the volume of paper purchased, District personnel are encouraged to use both sides of paper sheets whenever practical.

The District shall require that contractors and consultants use recycled paper for reports submitted to the District whenever practicable. Also, such reports should be printed on both sides of paper sheets.

D. Terms and assigned definitions

  1. Designated recycled product means a product designated in this Regulation, or designated by the District's purchasing department, that meets or surpasses the District's minimum recycled content standards and other criteria for qualification as specified in this Regulation.

    Examples are the following: recycled paper and paper products; compost products; cement and asphalt concrete containing glass cullet, recycled fiber or plastic, tire rubber, or fly ash; recycled cement concrete aggregate and asphalt; lubricating oil and hydraulic oil with re-refined oil content; recycled antifreeze; plastic lumber; retread tires and products made from recycled tire rubber, including rubber mats and playfield surfaces; building insulation products manufactured using recycled materials; recycled paint; recharged laser printer toner cartridges; and other recycled products as designated by the purchasing department.
  1. Minimum recycled content standards means standards that specify the minimum level of recycled material and/or post-consumer recycled material necessary for designated products to qualify as recycled products.
  1. Recycled material means material and byproducts that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste and that can be utilized in place of raw or virgin material in manufacturing a It is derived from post-consumer recycled material, manufacturing waste, industrial scrap, agricultural waste, and other waste material, but does not include material or byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
  1. Post-consumer recycled material means only those products generated by the District which have served their intended end uses and which have been separated or diverted from the solid waste stream for the purposes of collection, recycling and disposition.
  1. Recyclable product means a product which, after its intended end use, can demonstrably be diverted from the District's waste stream for use as a raw material in the manufacture of another product.
  1. Practicable means sufficient in performance and available within price preference guidelines.
  1. Price preference means a percentage by which offered prices for designated recycled products are reduced for purposes of bid evaluation.
  1. Purchasing department means the District department responsible for executing contracts for the supply of goods and services.



Last Revised:


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