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6881P - Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials Procedure

Disposal of Obsolete Textbooks/Materials

The following procedures are established for the disposition of obsolete instructional materials:

  1. The building principal/program manager shall prepare a list of materials to be declared obsolete or surplus (see 6881F). Lists shall give information regarding the subject area, title, grade level, publisher date, ISBN Number, quantity and reason for declaring the material The coding for reason is as follows:
    1. the books or materials are damaged beyond repair or use;
    2. the books are being replaced by a more recent adoption;
    3. the books or materials are no longer used.

Copies of this list shall be sent to the book processing department.

  1. Upon receipt of the listings of materials, the book processing department will initiate work orders to pick up the materials at each building for temporary storage at the May Valley Service Center/.
  1. The building principal/program manager shall be responsible for stamping each item Discard and for packing the materials as required for Items shall be packed in heavy boxes with lids and labeled with school name, subject area, title, quantity, and reason for being discarded.
  1. The Purchasing Department shall act upon the request for declaring materials obsolete a next regularly scheduled meeting and will send their recommendation to the superintendent for formal action by the board.
  2. When identified instructional materials have been declared obsolete by the board of directors, the Purchasing Department shall:
    1. Advertise in a local newspapers that obsolete materials are available for purchase by students
    2. After students are given the opportunity to purchase the obsolete material, the public shall then have the opportunity to purchase the material.
  1. When obsolete materials cannot be disposed of by selling to interested parties, then the purchasing department shall contact salvage organizations for final disposition of remaining materials at salvage rate.



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