6907P - Growth Management Impact Fee Procedure
Issaquah School District No. 411 has established a Growth Management Impact Fee Regulation with respect to the imposition of impact fees on residential development within the District.
The Regulation is designed to enable the District to utilize school impact fees to partially fund needed capital facilities to house and accommodate new students generated by residential development to the extent authorized by the Growth Management Act and by King County Ordinances No. 9785 and No. 10162, all as may be amended from time to time.
- Each year, the District shall submit to King County an update of the District's Capital Facilities Plan.
- Each year, the District shall send to King County an annual report showing the system improvements that were financed in whole or in part by impact fees and the amount of funds expended consistent with the requirements of RCW 82.01.070 and Section 7 of King County Ordinance 10162.
- The District may issue a warrant or warrants for impact fees collected prior to submitting a request for transfer into the District Capital Projects Fund or Debt Service Fund, or the District may issue a warrant or warrants for the funds within five (5) days after the funds have been transferred from the County Agency Fund to the District Capital Projects Fund or Debt Service Fund.
- The District shall refund impact fees and interest earned on impact fees which have been disbursed to the District
Capital Projects Fund or Debt Service Fund when a refund is required under applicable law, including but not limited to- When the proposed development activity does not proceed and no impact to the District has resulted, unless the District determines that it has expended or encumbered the fees in good faith prior to the application for a refund; or
- When the impact fees or interest earned on impact fees are not expended or encumbered within the time limits established by law and the county council has not identified in written finding the extraordinary or compelling reasons for permitting such fees to be held longer than six years; or
- When the school impact fee program is terminated.
- The District shall maintain all accounts and records necessary to ensure proper accounting for all impact fee funds and to ensure compliance with the Growth Management Act and by King County Ordinances No. 9785 and No. 10162, all as may be amended from time to time.