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This section of the Annual Report for the 2023-24 school year provides a snapshot of the district's finances and factors that affect our budget. For a complete report including a line-by-line operations budget, please visit the Finance webpage.  To learn about our Capital Projects, including how taxpayer dollars are being used in each construction project, visit our Capital Projects page. The page includes specific progress updates such as this one from the Critical Repairs portion of the 2022 Capital Levy.

Where the Money Goes

The Issaquah School District is the second largest employer in Issaquah with more than 2,500 full-time and part-time staff members (this excludes several hundred substitute employees). These employees include 1,226 teachers, 391 paraprofessionals, 135 bus drivers, 79 Food Service workers, 138 office/support staff, 154 custodial/maintenance personnel, and other administrative and support staff.  

Our district’s budget is represented by seven distinct cost centers. These cost centers encompass all the above staff and help to present a visual picture of the district and its many programs and services. These cost centers are defined as follows: