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Where does the money go?

Budgeted Expenditures 2023-24


Chart shows expenditures for 2023-24: Classroom, 59.9%; Classroom support, 12.23%; Special education, 13.5%; Food Service, 2.15%; Echo Glen, 1.02%; Transportation, 3.73%; Other grants and programs, 7.44%



59.9% of the district budget is spent directly on the classroom (this excludes special education which is 13.53% of the budget). This includes expenditures for teachers, counselors, librarians, principals, educational assistants, teaching supplies, materials, textbooks, extracurricular programs, staff development, curriculum development, and technology support.

Classroom Support

Classroom support represents 12.23% of the district budget. It includes district administration, maintenance, custodial services, utilities, security, insurance, etc.

Special Education

13.5% of the district budget is spent to assist children with special needs. For this program, 33% ($17.3 million) is funded from the local Educational Programs and Operations levy, and 9.3% is funded by the Federal government.

Echo Glen

The district runs the educational program for the state detention facility at Echo Glen. This program represents 1.02% of the district budget and is required to be 100% funded by state or federal funds.

Food Service

This program represents 2.15% of the district budget and provides lunches for students. The goal is for this program to be totally self-supporting. 


3.73% of the district budget is used for the costs of transporting students between home and school for the regular school day. 73.3% of this program is now state funded.

Other Grants/Programs

7.44% of the district budget goes to support special programs such as LAP (remediation) and before and after school childcare. These programs are fully paid for from state and federal grants or fees paid by parents for services.