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Programs and Services

The district offers a variety of programs for students with various learning needs, including Multilingual English Learners, Title 1 and highly capable students. These services are based upon the same foundation of curriculum, instruction and assessment provided for all general education students. These offerings constitute a full continuum of student services supporting our belief that in the Issaquah School District, all children can and do learn powerfully. We're grateful to the Special Services and Career and Technical Education departments for their work in these areas, and for the community partners who help our students thrive. 

In this section of the Community Report, you will find highlights from the 2023-2024 school year. However, we encourage you to explore Programs and Services on our website to get a more comprehensive overview of the programs that support student achievement. For more information about student activities, student and family programs, student achievements, and more, please visit our News page

BASC Program Celebrates 30 Years Serving Families Across District

On a sunny afternoon at "Rocket Club," second graders Addison and Ameyah enjoy some quiet time coloring together at Apollo Elementary's Before and After School Care (BASC) program. “We love art, lots of art,” they declare. Several students are playing a card game called “Garbage” while others are outside engaged in a game of touch football, climbing on the play structure and sifting for treasures in the sandbox. 

One Wednesday each month is also “StarBOOKS Day” at Rocket Club – a 5th-grader-only activity that simulates a real-world coffee shop. Much like a real business, students apply for, interview for, and perform job responsibilities taking orders, preparing non-caffeinated beverages, delivering orders and organizing the shop. Once they have a beverage (cocoa or lemonade), students are encouraged to get cozy and read a book of their choice.

“My thought process is for them to learn a little of the real working world. We have a meeting after each event to discuss the good and what we could do better. They take inventory and we talk about the menu of what sold, what didn’t, and what we should add for customer demand,” shares BASC Site Coordinator Lisa Carlisle.  

More than just a place for childcare, BASC is a space for exploration, growth and connection. Through a diverse selection of activities, BASC offers students the chance to discover new interests and build friendships. BASC staff serve as positive role models, fostering genuine connections with students through friendly interactions, encouraging words, and a willingness to have fun alongside students – while ensuring safety and guiding students in positive behavior.  

This year, BASC is celebrating its 30th year serving students and families. Starting with School Age Care at Cougar Ridge and Sunset elementary schools in 1993, the program expanded to all elementary schools by 2004 and added break care and Club Connection summer camps.  

Read the full news article

BASC Site Coordinator Lisa Carlisle pauses for a photo with students at the Apollo Elementary Rocket Club.

VOICE Mentor Q with Kaili

Neither quite knew what to expect, but as Q and Kaili began talking, sharing stories and giggling together, it was clear they had a strong connection. The two met through Volunteers of Issaquah Changing Education, or VOICE, a district mentorship program available to K-12 students. Through VOICE, Kaili found a caring adult who could help her navigate the world of adulthood; for Q, it's a chance to make a difference in her community

learn more about the voice Mentor program on our website.


Student's Smile is Best Part of Each School Day, Para Says

If you ask Charles what he loves about attending first grade at Cedar Trails Elementary, he’ll tell you “karaoke, recess, Mrs. Nuth and Ms. Dee.”  

Dee Camp is a paraprofessional who works with Charles each day. In their second year together, Charles and Dee are quite a pair, joking together and each smiling big enough to light up the room. On a serious note, Charles lists many things that Dee helps him with each day. He has a condition that affects his mobility and speech, and uses a number of adaptive devices and different types of technology during the school day. One of those is “Eyegaze,” which uses eye tracking and controlling so that Charles can talk with his classmates and teachers when he’s at school. Through that technology, he says: 

“Ms. Dee takes me to class, helps me eat, puts me in my stander, reads me books, rides the bus with me and takes me on the elevator.” The “stander” he describes is a chair that helps him stand for about an hour a day, and can be adjusted to different heights depending on what activity Charles is participating in. 

Like many first graders, Charles enjoys talking about himself. Today, he shares that he’s 6 years old, he loves the color blue, his favorite animal is a bird (specifically swans and penguins), talks about his family members, and says that he likes stir fry and chocolate cake. He also loves to shop at Costco with his mom. 

Learn more by reading the full news article.
Paraprofessional Dee Camp pushes Charles in his chair while jogging, because Charles likes a bit of speed.

In the photo, Charles smiles as paraprofessional Dee Camp pushes his chair at a jog.

District Social Media Channel Statistics

We celebrate our programs and services on district and building websites and on our social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, X and YouTube. We added a district LinkedIn account during the 2023-24 school year. Regularly monitoring our engagement helps us understand what matters to our community to better serve our students, families and staff. 

District Methods of Communication

In the 2023-24 school year, the Communications Team published the district “Weekly Bulletin: The 411” on Mondays when school was in session, along with special bulletins as needed. Other regular communication methods include: Horizons news, an occasional digital publication designed to share stories of excellence, achievement and engagement; FOCUS print newsletter, which is mailed to all residents of the district twice per year; regular updates to the district website and school building websites; an annual Student Art Calendar; the ISD Insider, a twice-monthly bulletin for district staff; and weekly “Rave Reviews” from staff members to other staff members. The team also publishes to district social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn. 

  • The district bulletin has open rates averaging 55-65%; and click rates averaging 5-20%. These metrics are significantly above national standards.