National Speak Up Survey
Each year middle school students participate in the National Speak Up survey. This survey provides our district with insight into how our students feel about the role of technology for learning both in and out of school.
About the Speak Up Research Initiative
Excerpt from Speak Up website.
Speak Up is the research tool districts use to learn what students, educators, parents and the community have to say about education issues.
The Speak Up Research Initiative, a national initiative of Project Tomorrow, is both a national research project and a free service to schools and districts everywhere. Since fall 2003, Speak Up has helped education leaders include the voices of their invested parties in annual and long-term planning. More than 5 million participants have made Speak Up the largest collection of authentic, unfiltered collaborator input on education, technology, schools of the future, science and math instruction, professional development and career exploration. National-level reports inform policymakers at all levels.
To learn more about Speak Up, please visit their website.