Emergency Weather Closures and Delays
In the event of an emergency, the Issaquah School District may use one of the below modified schedules. Please familiarize yourself with the schedules and program and activity closure information below.
How We Make the Decision – Safety of Students and Staff is our Top Priority
We do our best to make decisions to keep all students and staff safe, conditions often vary throughout the district. Conditions also change quickly. Please take into consideration your personal situation and make the appropriate decision to keep you and your student safe.
- District Transportation staff and administrators check the roads between 3:00 - 4:30 a.m. to determine whether it is safe to operate our buses. We also check the conditions, including sidewalks, at our schools. Our district covers 110 square miles, including three mountains. Road conditions and localized weather vary widely from area to area and can change considerably as the morning progresses.
The decision of any delays or closures will be communicated by 6:00 a.m.
- Conditions can change quickly. We may start with a one-hour delay in the hope that the conditions improve. However, sometimes a one-hour delay is increased to a two-hour delay; or a closure.
- Our preference is always to have schools open and students learning. However, safety is our top priority. We make the best decision we can based on the conditions at the time we must communicate to staff and families.
How We Communicate Closures or Delays
The final decision on whether or not to send your child to school is yours. If you ever disagree with our decision regarding school delays or closures, please know that it is considered an excused absence if you decide to keep your child home from school. Please inform your school via an email to your attendance line, call to the attendance office or provide a signed note the day your student returns to school.
- One-Hour Late Start – Regular Bus Routes
- Two-Hour Late Start – Regular Bus Routes
- One-Hour Late Start – Snow Bus Routes
- Two-Hour Late Start – Snow Bus Routes
- Early Dismissal
- Schools Closed
- Calendar Breaks - Activity Closures
One-Hour Late Start – Regular Bus Routes
Two-Hour Late Start – Regular Bus Routes
One-Hour Late Start – Snow Bus Routes
Two-Hour Late Start – Snow Bus Routes
Early Dismissal
Schools Closed
Calendar Breaks - Activity Closures
Program Information
Please check the table below to determine whether your student's activity or activities are canceled due to a one- or two-hour delayed schedule.*
*For Wednesday schedules, please scroll below chart.
*For Wednesday schedules, please scroll below chart.
When We Announce: |
Regular Bus Route 1 Hour Late |
Regular Bus Route 2 Hours Late |
Snow Bus Route 1 Hour Late |
Snow Bus Route 2 Hours Late |
Schools Closed |
ALL ECE/ECEAP Programs | Not Canceled | Canceled | Canceled | Canceled | Canceled |
Transition to Kindergarten Elementary School Middle School High School ACT |
Not Canceled | Not Canceled | Not Canceled | Not Canceled | Canceled |
Out-of-District Transportation |
Not Canceled | Canceled | Canceled | Canceled | Canceled |
Before School Activities |
Canceled | Canceled | Canceled | Canceled | Canceled |
Field Trips Athletics and After School Activities Activity (EDA) Routes |
Per School Announcement | Per School Announcement | Per School Announcement | Per School Announcement | Canceled |
Open at 8:30 a.m. | Open at 9:30 a.m. | Open at 8:30 a.m. | Open at 9:30 a.m. | Canceled |
Not Canceled | Not Canceled | Not Canceled | Not Canceled | Canceled |
ISD Preschool Academy | Class begins at 9:30 a.m. | Class beings at 10:30 a.m. | Class begins at 9:30 a.m. | Class beings at 10:30 a.m. | Canceled |
*On Wednesdays:
- If we announce a one-hour delay, before-school activities and morning school age care are canceled. Any changes to field trips and after school activities are announced by each school. Lunches will be served at elementary and secondary schools.
- If we announce a two-hour delay, before-school activities and morning school age care canceled, no ECEAP, and no a.m. or p.m. preschool. Other programs continue as scheduled, changes to field trips are announced by each school. Lunches will be served at elementary and secondary schools.