Public Comment
Public Comment Process
Public Comment Process
The Issaquah School District Board of Directors welcomes the public to the business meetings of the Board and encourages community engagement. This time is for the public to provide statements to the school board on items not listed on the meeting agenda for public comments. If comments are intended for a specific agenda item, please hold those comments until the Board President requests comments for that specific agenda item.
The board dedicates 30 minutes to hear from the public during a public comment period at each Board meeting. Agendas are published 48 hours prior to the meetings.
- Community members who wish to make a public comment will be asked to sign-up on a sheet at arrival to the meeting.
- Comments will be offered by the Board President when your name is read from the list (in-person, followed by virtual).
- When starting, speakers should clearly state their name and attendance area / neighborhood school.
- Time will be limited to two minutes per comment. The board will be using a timer. Speakers can view that timer from the podium. Due to time constraints, it is possible not all comments will be heard.
Your comment is a public record. Recorded comments, the identity of speakers, and meeting sign-in sheets are public records subject to disclosure under Chapter 42.56 RCW, and the names of speakers are recorded in the meeting minutes.
The board neither endorses or sensors any opinions expressed during public comment.
Tips for Public Comment
While giving public comment, community members should raise a specific topic or issue with the school board. The board will listen and learn from the community. As a general rule, the board will not respond to testimony.
Public comment is not the time to raise issue unique to a particular student, staff member or administrator. The school board does not discuss personnel matters at board meetings. If you do want to share an issue pertaining to a personnel matter the district is interested in hearing from you. Access the district's process in sharing Issues, Questions or Concerns by clicking the link.
- Speakers should clearly state their name and attendance area / neighborhood school.
- Please limit your comments to two minutes – the board will be using a timer. Speakers can view that timer from the podium.
- Be civil and respectful to everyone in attendance at the board meeting.
- Written materials and supporting slides will not be displayed during board meetings. Hand-outs can be shared with the board and recording secretary.
- Speakers should refrain from naming students unless they are the parent/guardian of said student(s).
- Address your testimony to the board members, not the audience.
- Do not address questions to the board. The board's goal for the public comment period is to hear your concerns, comments and opinions.