3. Diverse Talent
Students will benefit when we recruit, retain, develop and engage staff to ensure a highly effective workforce that supports and reflects the diversity of the student population.
Goal 1: District leadership and staff will diversify our workforce, so it more closely aligns with our student population, which is 58% students of color.
Over the next three years, ISD leaders and educators will:
- Train hiring managers on effective hiring practices, including how to reduce bias.
- Recruit with a focus on our commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Goal 2: District leadership and staff will foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity, leading to retention of diverse staff.
Over the next three years, ISD leaders and educators will:
- Offer professional development that improves a sense of belonging among all staff, and facilitate access to affinity spaces and communities of support.
- Create pathways for internship and mentoring for those in our trade.