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Bond Advisory Committee Update for Week of Feb. 26 

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The district’s Bond Advisory Committee members met for the second time on Feb. 13, continuing their three-month process to learn about district facilities and needs. Committee members are being asked to evaluate facility needs and cost data through active engagement to provide an informed proposal to the superintendent, who will then craft a recommendation to the School Board for consideration. 

At the meeting, district staff answered questions that committee members asked during and after the first meeting. The agenda also included presentations about the Strategic Plan, a student voice panel, and information about the district’s Safety and Security Department and Early Learning programs.  

Marcel Hauser, Senior Adviser and Strategy, and Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick shared about the Strategic Plan, and asked committee members to discuss in small groups about how a potential bond measure could support the priority areas within the Strategic Plan. For example, when considering the priority area of Student Well-Being, Hauser asked the committee members to think about what increased safety and security could look like, or improved opportunities for social connections. When considering the priority area of Academic Opportunities, he asked them to consider equitable access to resources and pathways, and how system design and programming choices could bolster academic opportunities. 

Volunteers from each table shared with the full committee some of the points their small groups discussed, including how to better meet the needs of students through our buildings and spaces, the necessity for flexibility in spaces, safe access and prioritization of limited resources, designing spaces that can help meet many learning styles and provide opportunities for multiple pathways, creating a sense of “place” that students and staff can be proud of, spaces that are exciting, and more. 

The meeting also included: 

  • A six-student panel offering their thoughts and reflections about: 
    • Their most positive experiences at school. 
    • What helps them be most successful in school. 
    • Ideal hands-on learning spaces. 
    • What they think could make the biggest difference in the future of our schools. 
  • Executive Director of Operations Jason Morse and Director of Safety and Security Dave Montalvo shared about the district’s work to prepare for, respond to and recover from: 
    • Natural hazards. 
    • Technological hazards. 
    • Biological hazards. 
    • Adversarial and human-caused threats. 

Morse and Montalvo also shared about systems, drills, procedures and partnerships that help keep students and staff as safe as possible; and potential upgrades and increased safety and security options for the future. 

  • Executive Director of Elementary Education Melinda Reynvaan talked with the committee members about the district’s early learning programs, which include: 
    • Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP), which serves students who are ages 3-5 and who qualify for special education services.  
    • Inclusionary Transition to Kindergarten at Discovery, Newcastle and Clark elementary schools. 
    • Preschool Academy at Skyline High School, Holly Street Early Learning Center. 

Reynvaan also shared about the potential improvements to add accessible and inclusive spaces and enhance existing spaces serving our youngest students. 

During upcoming meetings, the committee members will learn more about the Clean Buildings Act, the recent Accountability Audit, the status of the 2016 bond; and, they will hear from departments, programs and services including the Equity, Belonging and Family Partnership team, Special Services, Secondary Innovation, Activities and Athletics, CTE and more. 

The committee’s next meeting is at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at the district administration building. All the committee meetings are open to the public to observe in person. To learn more about the committee’s process or to review agendas, meeting materials and upcoming dates, visit our website.  

  • Bond
  • Finance
  • Safety & Security
  • Strategic Planning
  • Student Voice