Curriculum Selection Process
Adopting Core Curriculum
Developing and maintaining a solid, standards-based core curriculum that aligns with state grade-level expectations is the District’s most basic requirement. Washington State has developed Learning Standards for all content areas for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. The District’s math, reading, science, writing, social studies, arts, and health and fitness curricula at all levels match these standards.
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction's Learning Standards and Instruction web pages contain in-depth information and resources related to the Learning Standards for Washington State.
ISD Curriculum Adoption Cycle Calendar
The Issaquah School District reviews core curriculum and adopts new instructional materials on a regular basis, as budget allows. In red are the new estimated dates for curriculum review and adoption of new instructional materials. These dates reflect COVID-related delays. These delays may be revisited as situations allow.
Content Area |
Last Review |
Review / Adoption |
Implementation |
Literacy |
Reading 2011-12 Writing 2012-13 |
Reading Foundations 2019-21 Integrated Reading Comprehension & Writing 2022-24
Reading Foundations Fall 2021 Integrated Reading Comprehension & Writing Fall 2024 |
Art |
NA |
Health & Physical Education |
2013-14 |
est 2025-26 |
est Fall 2026 |
S.E.L. (Social Emotional Learning) |
2016-17 |
est 2027-28 |
est Fall 2028 |
Music |
2014-15 |
est 2024-25 |
est Fall 2025 |
Math |
2015-16 |
est 2026-27 |
est Fall 2026 |
Social Studies |
2017-18 |
est 2028-29 |
est Fall 2029 |
Science/STEM |
2020-21 |
est 2030-31 |
est Fall 2031 |
Middle School
Content Area |
Last Review |
Review / Adoption |
Implementation |
Math |
2013-14 |
2023-24 |
2024-25 |
Social Studies |
2013-14 |
6th gr World History 2023-25 7th gr Geography & WA State History 2023-25 8th gr US History est. 2024-25 |
6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade |
World Language |
2011-12 |
2019-20 |
est. Fall 2025 or 2026 |
Physical Education |
2012-13 |
est 2025-26 |
est Fall 2026 |
Music |
2014-15 |
est 2025-26 |
est Fall 2026 |
Language Arts |
2015-16 |
est 2025-26 |
est Fall 2026 |
Earth Science |
2015-17 |
est 2026-27 |
est Fall 2027 |
Life Science |
2015-17 |
est 2026-27 |
est Fall 2027 |
Physical Science |
2015-17 |
est 2026-27 |
est Fall 2027 |
S.E.L. (Social Emotional Learning) |
2017 |
Health |
2019-20 |
est 2029-30 |
est Fall 2030 |
High School
Content Area |
Last Review |
Review / Adoption |
Implementation |
Health |
2012-13 |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
Social Studies |
2013-14 |
World History 2023-24 Global Studies (Contemporary World Problems) 2024-25 US History est. 2025-26 Civics est. 2025 |
World History Fall 2024 Global Studies Fall 2025 US History est. Fall 2026 or 2027 Civics est. Fall 2025 or 2026 |
World Language |
2011-12 |
2019-20 |
Fall 2025 |
Advanced Math (post Alg. 2) |
2012-13 |
est 2024-25 |
est Fall 2025 |
Physical Education |
2012-13 |
est 2025-26 |
est Fall 2026 |
Music |
2014-15 |
est 2025-26 |
est Fall 2026 |
Biology |
2017-18 |
est 2026-27 |
est Fall 2027 |
Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II |
2017-18 |
est 2027-28 |
est Fall 2028 |
Physics |
2018-19 |
est 2028-29 |
est Fall 2029 |
Chemistry | |||
Language Arts |
2018-20 |
est 2029-30 |
est Fall 2030 |
Adoption Processes in Progress
- Elementary Literacy
- FLASH - 5th Grade
- Elementary Science / STEM
- Middle School Health and Physical Education
- Middle School Mathematics
- Secondary World Language
- High School Health Adoption
- Social Studies 6th and 7th Grade
- Social Studies 9th Grade
- Elementary Music Adoption
- Elementary PE Adoption
Elementary Literacy
During this elementary literacy adoption, a team of teachers and staff will survey parents and teachers, review evidence-based practices and instructional materials to make recommendations for integrating new instructional materials into a comprehensive literacy program aligned to the Common Core Standards for Elementary Language Arts.
Elementary Literacy Adoption Process Elements
FLASH - 5th Grade
Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Implementation - Requirements for Grades 4/5*
Schools must provide comprehensive sexual health education no later than 5th grade. Instruction must be consistent with Health Education K-12 Learning Standards. Grade-level outcomes are provided as examples only and do not represent a required course of instruction.
Required topics of instruction are described in RCW 28A.300.475 (link is external). Instruction should include a focus on helping students understand and respect personal boundaries, develop healthy friendships, and gain a basic understanding of human growth and development. Currently required HIV/STD prevention instruction will continue to be required.
Instruction must be provided at least “once” (a unit of instruction in at least one grade), including the following topics of instruction:
- HIV/STD prevention (required annually starting no later than grade 5).
- Human growth and development.
- Affirmative consent (understanding and respecting personal boundaries).
- Bystander intervention (how to safely intervene when witnessing bullying, harassment, or sexual violence).
- Healthy relationships (with friends and family).
- How to avoid exploitative relationships.
*Issaquah School District chooses to teach sexual health in 5th grade to meet these requirements.
General Resources
- Comprehensive Sexual Health Education FAQ Updated 10/12/21 (see Parent/Guardian Resources below for translated versions)
- K-3 Social Emotional Learning FAQ 12/30/2021
- Senate Bill 5395 (link is external) (RCW 28A.300.475)
- RCW 28A.300.145 (link is external) (age-appropriate information about sexual offenses)
- Youth at Risk – The Need for Sexual Health Education in Schools (OSPI Research Brief, 2019)
- Health Impact Review of ESSB 5395 (link is external) (Washington State Board of Health, 2019)
FLASH 5th Grade Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
Adoption Process & Timeline
5th Grade FLASH Curriculum Committee: Formed January 18, 2023
Teacher Input Survey: distributed to 5th grade teachers February 27, 2023
5th Grade FLASH Curriculum Committee meeting dates
Each meeting date includes its main agenda item(s).- February 8, 2023 – Review and discuss curriculum changes
March 14, 2023 – Review teacher survey input and agree on instructional update recommendations
Recommendations are forwarded to the Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) reviews recommendations and if affirmed, forwards the recommendations to the School Board (est. April – May)
Public review and comment (est. May 22 - June 2)
School board review for approval (est. June or August)
If approved, training and implementation will take place during the 2023-24 school year.
Adoption Meeting Summaries
February 8, 2023
Curriculum Committee Message for February 8, 2023
The first meeting of the FLASH Curriculum Committee was held on February 8. Recently, Seattle & King County Washington Public Health released an updated version of the Family Life and Sexual Heath (FLASH) curriculum, our currently adopted curriculum for 5th grade sexual health education in ISD. The committee heard an overview of the changes that have been made to the adopted curriculum. Committee members will review new lessons and reconvene in March to discuss changes and make a recommendation regarding adopting any or all of the updated curriculum for the 2023-2024 school year.
The updated curriculum is available for public viewing on the King County website.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2023.
March 14, 2023
5th Grade FLASH Curriculum Committee Common Message for March 14, 2023
The second meeting of the FLASH Curriculum Committee was held on March 14. The agenda included the following:
Review of teacher survey results
Discussion of proposed curriculum updates
Consensus decision-making
The committee recommends the following curriculum changes:
- Adoption of all new 5th grade FLASH lesson updates, as written by Public Health Seattle & King County with the following exception:
- Updates called for a change in practice regarding answering student questions. The adoption committee recommends maintaining current practice of only answering student questions on content covered in 5th grade lessons, for which teachers have been trained.
Next Steps:
Recommendations are forwarded to the Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
Instructional Materials Committee reviews recommendations and if affirmed, forwards the recommendations to the School Board (est. April – May)
Public review and comment (est. May-June)
School board review for approval (est. June or August)
If approved, training and implementation will take place during the 2023-24 school year.
The updated curriculum is available for public viewing on the King County website.
FLASH Updated Curriculum - Overview of Key Changes
Elementary Science / STEM
Elementary STEM Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
- A Closer Look—Macmillan/McGraw-Hill (K)
- Collecting and Examining Life—Science Companion (1)
- Magnets; Motion—Science Companion (1)
- Habitats—National Geographic Learning (1)
- Sun, Moon, and Stars —National Geographic Learning (1-2)
- Forces and Motion —National Geographic Learning (2)
- Organisms—Science & Technology Concepts (2)
- Designing Hand Pollinators—Engineering is Elementary (2)
- Rocks and Minerals– Science & Technology Concepts (3)
- Weather—Science Companion (3)
- Salmon—ISD (3)
- Matter; Earth’s Changing Surfaces —Science Companion (4)
- Earth in Space; Ecosystems— Science & Technology Concepts (4)
- Water, Water Everywhere; A Slick Solution —Engineering is Elementary (4)
- Physical Science; Life Science —National Geographic Learning (5)
- Experiments with Plants; Motion and Design — Science & Technology Concepts (5)
- Designing Alarm Circuits—Engineering is Elementary (5)
Adoption Process & Timeline
- Elementary STEM curriculum teacher and parent input survey responses - November 2018
All comments are displayed that do not violate the district's civility regulation and/or personally name individuals. - Teacher adoption committee: Formed October 22, 2018
- Teacher adoption committee meeting dates
Each meeting date includes its main agenda item(s).- December 13, 2018 – Finalize charter; share district STEM vision and research; review NGSS and computer science standards and best instructional practices.
- March 27, 2019 – Examine instructional materials evaluation tools; choose and/or modify a tool and calibrate its use.
- April 2, 2019 – Evaluate instructional materials; identify any additional information needed.
- May 14, 2019 – Community preview of curriculum resources selected for field test: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in Boardroom A.
- June 6, 2019 – Review evaluation findings; make field testing decisions and plans, including data collection tools.
- December 19, 2019 – Review field test data and community input; agree on instructional materials recommendation.
- February, 2020 – Plan for implementation.
- IMC review and decision: TBD
- ISD Board Review: TBD
- Community review and input: TBD
Adoption Meeting Summaries
December 19, 2019
On December 19th, the Elementary STEM Adoption Committee made a consensus recommendation to adopt Amplify Science. If approved by the Instructional Materials Committee and the School Board, Amplify will replace our current elementary science curriculum, which is not aligned to Washington State Science Learning Standards (NGSS), beginning next fall. Committee members and field testers found that Amplify strongly supports NGSS standards through an inquiry-based learning model grounded in real-world phenomena. Other strengths include equity supports, integration opportunities, and usability.
June 6, 2019
On June 6, the Elementary STEM Curriculum Adoption Committee reviewed and commented on drafts of computer science lessons to be integrated with the core science/engineering curriculum resources to be field tested in the fall. They also reviewed proposed field test logistics and recommended data collection strategies. Finally, the Committee identified professional development needs for teachers participating in the field test.
April 2, 2019
The Elementary STEM Curriculum Adoption Committee spent April 2 thoroughly and thoughtfully evaluating five sets of core curriculum resources using a detailed rubric based on previously identified, research-based selection criteria. After sharing findings across grade levels and weighing the strengths of each resource, the Committee selected two resources to move forward for field testing: Amplify Science and STEMscopes. Field tests will take place at each elementary school in fall, 2019.
March 27, 2019
On March 27, the Elementary STEM Curriculum Adoption Committee explored pedagogical shifts related to Washington State Science Learning Standards. The Committee then examined, and practiced using, a curriculum evaluation rubric linked to the selection criteria the Committee identified in its December meeting. Publisher representatives provided overviews of five curriculum resources most aligned with Committee criteria.
December 13, 2018
The Elementary STEM (science/technology/engineering/math) Curriculum Adoption Committee met for the first time on December 13, 2018. This committee will be recommending curriculum for implementation in the 2020-2021 school year. After reviewing the charter and establishing norms, the committee examined parent and teacher survey feedback, student achievement data, state standards in science/engineering and computer science, and instructional best practices. Based on those inputs, the team identified and prioritized curriculum selection criteria.
Middle School Health and Physical Education
Middle School Health
- Teen Health (Glencoe/McGraw Hill)
- Glencoe Health (Glencoe/McGraw Hill)
- Middle School F.L.A.S.H. - Second Edition
Middle School Physical Education
- Focused Fitness 5 For Life
- SPARK P.E. – Middle School
MS Health and Physical Education Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
Adoption process & timeline
- Middle School Health and Physical Education Curriculum Parent Input Survey – (March 2019)
All comments are displayed that do not violate the district's civility regulation and/or personally name individuals. - Teacher adoption committee: May 14, 2019
- Teacher adoption committee meeting dates
Each meeting date includes its planned main agenda item(s), then links to the specific meeting summary when available- May 14, 2019 - share goals and timeline/schedule, establish norms and consensus process, review, trends, research and parent survey results, share district vision and best practice, review of standards.
- October 16, 2019 – Review district vision and best practice, review standards, curriculum and materials review, prepare for field test.
- November 26, 2019 – Review district vision and best practice, review standards, curriculum and materials review, prepare for field test.
- January 24, 2020 – Complete curriculum and materials review, Field test and Materials selection
- March 17, 2020 – Materials adoption presented to IMC
- Possible 6th Meeting if needed
Adoption Meeting Summaries
March 24, 2021
The committee reviewed the additional middle school Health course materials to submit to the Instructional Materials Committee (that were not submitted with the texts). The Director of Educational Technology introduced the Cyber Civics materials and asked the committee to consider integrating some of the information into the Health classes where appropriate to support the ISTE standards. Teachers began the work of modifying the Scope and Sequence of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Health courses to reflect the new texts.
February 24, 2021
The committee reviewed the adoption process, checklist and timeline. The new sexual health Washington State requirements were discussed to make sure that the new requirements are being met. The field testing of the potential texts was completed, including supplemental materials. The committee is recommending the updated Teen Health (McGraw Hill) Text and Digital subscription for 6th and 7th Grade and the Essential Health Skills for Middle School (G-W Publisher) Text, Workbook, and Digital subscription for 8th Grade to the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) on March 11, 2021.
February 26, 2020
The MS PE/Health Adoption Committee reconvened on 2/26 and reviewed curriculum/resource evaluations as they prepare to field test. The committee spent time revising the scope and sequence. The next meeting is scheduled for March 26.
January 24, 2020
The MS PE/Health Adoption Committee reconvened 1/24. After reviewing work from the last meeting, the committee continued to review resources and curriculum. They used a Materials Adoption Scoring sheet to rate each resource and determine what would then be field tested at buildings. Logistics on what field testing would include, resources, videos, etc. was discussed. Our next meeting will be February 26, 2020.
December 9, 2019
Middle School PE/Health Adoption Committee reconvened on 12/9. After reviewing the standards, equipment and resources were examined in depth. The committee focused discussion on selecting resources that emphasized student outcomes, differentiated instruction, and aligned with state standards. Equipment was also screened by the committee for fitness assessment. Committee members will evaluate which resources to field test and determine time frames in January. The next meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2020.
October 16, 2019
The adoption committee reconvened on 10/16 to continue their work to research and review curriculum resources for Middle School PE and Health. Norms and the consensus process was reviewed. Kris Coleman and Carly Hupp facilitated the meeting. After a Seesaw exercise that modeled integrating technology and reinforced teambuilding, the committee focused on creating a vision for PE/Health that included skills, knowledge and experiences that students’ gain in MS. They discussed equitable instructional practices in PE/Health and how Social and Emotional Health overlaps with PE/Health.
PE/Health state standards were examined and aligned with a 6th, 7th, 8th grade scope and sequence for PE/Health was drafted. The next meeting is scheduled for 11/26.
May 14, 2019
The first meeting of the MS Health and PE committee was held on May 14 with Kris Coleman and Tracy Schellberg facilitating. The committee reviewed input from a district parent survey that focused on topics identified as priorities for the committee and the community. Research was introduced and examined as it aligned with National and State PE/Health Standards. Next meeting October 16, 2019.
Middle School Mathematics
State Standards:
- Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (Grades 6-8)
Middle School Mathematics Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
- Connected Mathematics Project 3 (CMP 3) for Grades 6, 7, 8 – Savvas (formerly Pearson K12 Learning)
Adoption Timeline & Process
- Identify priorities for CC 6-8 curriculum materials based on 1) community input, 2) teacher input, 3) student data, 4) state standards, and 5) instructional practices aligned with district initiatives and current research - April 7, 2022
- Determine curriculum review criteria and propose new math pathways - May 5, 2022
- Confirm pathways plan, complete our tool for rating curriculum options, and begin reviewing options - June 2, 2022
- Determine needs for new pathways implementation and prepare messaging to schools and community; revisit the district budget, recheck Ed Reports in case of new curriculum options, and then continue reviewing curriculum options - February/March 2023
- Plan new pathways phase-in for fall 2024; narrow to top 2 curricula (budget allowing) - March/April 2023
- Consider/address new pathways impacts on classrooms; plan the curriculum field test process & data collection - April-June 2023
- Field test top two curricula and collect data - Fall 2023 and Winter 2024
- IMC & Board approval for implementation Fall 2024 - Spring 2024
Adoption Meeting Summaries
March 2024
Materials selection committee convened to discuss parent, community, field testing teacher and student survey data. Field testers and students overall preferred enVision. After discussion, the committee voted unanimously in favor of adopting enVision.
The materials selection committee produced the following explanation for their choice:
"We chose EnVision because it offers greater accessibility for all students, along with more engaging materials and abundant practice opportunities, including leveled practice. Our students overwhelmingly preferred EnVision. The curriculum provides various teaching formats, including interactive presentations, paper, and online versions of materials. There are rich STEM projects and Pick-a-Project options that allow for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) student choice based on personal interest. EnVision's integration with Canvas is an added convenience. The curriculum also provides appropriate challenges tailored to different student levels. Moreover, its alignment with the high school curriculum is an additional benefit, giving them a head start for success.
January 2024
During January and February 2024, the originally planned meetings were cancelled. One and two hour-long field test trainings were scheduled for non-instructional time.
December 2023
The meeting primarily focused on selecting materials for field testing during Winter 2023-24. Presentations were made by Savvas, Curriculum Associates, and Big Ideas Learning, providing insights into their respective programs. The schedule included a change in the format for the Big Ideas Learning session to a Zoom meeting after lunch. Members engaged in the evaluation process, filling out rubrics/notes and reviewed additional materials provided by vendors in the morning. The team also took time to review online tools for "Math and You."
A critical discussion point was the selection of materials for field testing. Voting members unanimously selected Savvas’ “enVision” to field test and reached consensus on field testing "i-Ready" as the second option after additional discussion.
October 2023
The adoption committee reconvened with some new and some returning members to select materials for implementation during the 2024-2025 school year. The committee reviewed the Charter, goals, and deliverables, Selection criteria for members were clarified, and the approach for achieving consensus was determined. Attendees collectively identified non-negotiable elements for a curriculum, ensuring alignment with the Charter. Members reviewed and the Selection Tool developed in spring 2022. The meeting concluded with a discussion on identifying potential field test resources, which would encompass intervention and progress monitoring resources. This critical phase of the meeting ensured that plans were in place for effective testing and evaluation of the curriculum. The committee selected three curriculums to investigate further: Big Ideas Math: Modeling Real Life (Big Ideas Learning, National Geographic, Cengage); i-Ready Math (Curriculum Associates); enVision Mathematics Common Core (Savvas fka Pearson). Representatives of these materials were invited to present at the December committee meeting.
February 2023
In preparation to phase in the new math pathways, i-Ready Math Classroom was selected as a supplemental curriculum for the 2023-2024 school year in the newly formed "Math 1" and "Math 1-2" classrooms. This meeting as well as those in March, April, May, and June of 2023 pivoted focus on preparing to teach with these materials and review best practices for middle school mathematics teaching and learning.
June 2022
The Middle School Common Core Mathematics 6-8 Adoption Committee met for the second time on 5 May, 2022. The committee reached consensus regarding a plan for new middle school pathways, details of which will be announced at a later date. At earliest, these pathways would begin to be phased in Fall of 2023-24, and announced prior to registration for that year (March 2023). Additionally, the committee completed a Curriculum Ratings Tool to use in the review process for a new curriculum. The tool is a culmination of the input provided from families, staff, student data, standards, and effective instructional practices. The committee began evaluating some of the curriculum options currently available for review, and anticipate continuing their review starting February 2023.
May 2022
The Middle School Common Core Mathematics 6-8 Adoption Committee met for the second time on 5 May, 2022. The committee reviewed and utilized state standards and research-based practices to further refine criteria for curriculum selection and math pathways. There were an insufficient number of voting members present to reach consensus on our work at this meeting, but proposals will be ready for reaching consensus in June on both a list of criteria for curriculum review and on updates to our math pathways.
April 2022
The Middle School Common Core Mathematics 6-8 Adoption Committee met for the first time on 7 April, 2022. This committee will be (1) refining current math pathways for phase-in starting with incoming 6th graders in 2023-24 and (2) recommending curriculum for implementation in the 2024-25 school year (this is delayed from implementing in 2023-24 due to budget restraints). After reviewing the charter and establishing ground rules, the committee examined community and teacher survey feedback and student achievement data. The latter focused on our math pathways and success in those pathways. Based on those inputs, the committee began to identify and prioritize criteria for curriculum selection as well as to consider what changes are needed in our current math pathways at the middle school level.
Secondary World Language
Spanish, French, Japanese and Chinese (Mandarin)
State Standards
Supporting Resources
World Language Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
- Descubre; Vista Higher Learning
- Los Piratas Del Caribe & El Triangulo Novel; TPRS Publishing Inc.
- Rebeldes De Tejas Novel; TPRS Publishing
- VOX Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary; McGraw-Hill
- D’Accord; Vista Higher Learning
- Rond-Point Nord; Pearson/Prentice Hall
- Adventures in Japanese 1-4; Cheng & Tsui Company
- Japanese Graded Readers; Cheng & Tsui Company
- Integrated Chinese; Cheng & Tsui Company
- Chinese Link; Pearson Education Limited
Adoption Timeline & Process
- Secondary World Language curriculum parent input survey responses – Winter 2019
All comments are displayed that do not violate the district's civility regulation and/or personally name individuals. - Teacher adoption committee: Formed Winter of 2019
- Teacher adoption committee meeting dates
Each meeting date includes its planned main agenda item(s), then links to the specific meeting summary when available- March 22, 2019 – Finalize charter; share district vision and research; review Washington State World Language standards, survey and achievement data and best instructional practices.
- April 25, 2019 – Examine instructional materials evaluation tools; choose and/or modify a tool and calibrate its use. Evaluate instructional materials; identify any additional information needed.
- June 4, 2019 – Review evaluation findings; make field testing decisions and plans, including data collection tools.
- December 2019 – Review field test data and community input; agree on instructional materials recommendation.
- February 2020 – Plan for implementation.
- IMC review and decision: TBD
- ISD Board Review: TBD
Adoption Meeting Summaries
June 4, 2019
On June 4, 2019, the World Language Adoption Committee thoroughly and thoughtfully evaluated the curriculum resources using the detailed rubric based on previously identified research-based selection criteria. After sharing findings across each language and weighing the strengths of each resource the Committee selected the following to field test:
- EntreCulturas-Wayside Publishing
- Senderos-Vista Higher Learning
- EntreCultures-Wayside Publishing
- Bien Dit!-Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- Chinese has decided to continue to use the current curriculum, Integrated Chinese-Cheng & Tsui
- Chinese will be field testing Easy Steps to Chinese as a supplement to the current curriculum, Easy Steps to Chinese-Beijing Language and Culture, University Press*
- Japanese will not be field testing but decided to continue using their current curriculum -Adventures in Japanese-Cheng & Tsui*
Field tests will take place in the fall of 2019.
April 25, 2019
On April 25, 2019, the World Language Adoption Committee reviewed the norms and priorities established at the previous meeting. The Committee then examined and reviewed the curriculum evaluation rubric linked to the selection criteria the Committee identified in its March meeting. Publisher representatives provided overviews of curriculum resources.
March 22, 2019
The secondary World Language Adoption Committee met for the first time on March 22, 2019. This committee will be recommending curriculum for implementation in the 2020-2021 school year. After reviewing the charter, establishing norms, the committee examined community and teacher survey feedback, student achievement data, State standards, and instructional best practices. Based on those inputs, the committee identified and prioritized curriculum selection criteria.
High School Health Adoption
High School Health Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
- Pearson Health (now Savvas)
- High School F.L.A.S.H.
Adoption Timeline & Process
- High School Health Curriculum, Community Input Survey – January 2022
- Teacher adoption committee: Formed January 2022
- Teacher adoption committee meeting dates
Each meeting date includes its planned main agenda item(s), then links to the specific meeting summary when available -
- March 31, 2022 - Understand scope and roles, understand process and timeline, create group norms, review best practices, review standards and data, generate priorities, create/ select material evaluation criteria
- April 26, 2022 – Examine instructional materials evaluation tools; choose and/or modify a tool and calibrate its use. Evaluate instructional materials; identify any additional information needed.
- May 19, 2022 – Review evaluation findings; make field testing decisions and plans, including data collection tools.
- January 2023 – Review field test data and community input; agree on instructional materials recommendation.
- Spring 2023 – Materials adoption presented to IMC
- Spring 2023—ISD Board Review
Adoption Meeting Summaries
March 2, 2023
The High School Health Adoption Committee reviewed the field test evaluation data and a majority decision was made to recommend the following to the Executive Director of High Schools, Andrea Zier; Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Rich Mellish; and then to the Instructional Materials Committee.
- High School Health Textbook: Essential Skills for High School, Goodheart-Wilcox
- Second Strand Sexual Health – FLASH
Teachers began revising the framework for the high school Health course and a scope & sequence was developed for the second strand.
May 19, 2022
After reviewing work from the prior meeting, the committee continued to review resources and curriculum. The committee selected the resources to field test. Logistics on what field testing would include and who would field test each resource was determined. A list of digital resources was made to submit to the Instructional Technology department. The new sexual health Washington State requirements were discussed and resources to support the new second strand requirements were evaluated. The committee selected the resources to field test, and it was determined who would field test each. Our next meeting will be after Semester 1 in 2023.
April 26, 2022
On April 26, 2022, the High School Health Adoption Committee reviewed the norms and priorities established at the previous meeting. The Committee then examined and reviewed the curriculum evaluation rubric linked to the selection criteria the Committee identified in its March meeting. Publisher representatives provided overviews of curriculum resources. The Committee thoroughly and thoughtfully evaluated the curriculum resources using the detailed rubric based on previously identified research-based selection criteria.
March 31, 2022
The High School Health Adoption Committee met for the first time on March 31, 2022. This committee will be recommending curriculum for implementation in the 2023-2024 school year. After reviewing the charter and establishing norms, the committee examined community and teacher survey feedback, student achievement data, State standards, and instructional best practices. Based on those inputs, the committee identified and prioritized curriculum selection criteria.
Social Studies 6th and 7th Grade
Social Studies 6th and 7th Grade Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
Adoption Timeline & Process
- Spring 2022, Establish Essential Learnings, finalize charter and form committee; review research and gather materials
- Fall 2023- Revisit Essential Learnings, finalize charter and form committee; review research and gather materials
- Winter 2023/24-Review other district implementations, identify potential field test resources
- Winter 2024-Field testing and Community Engagement
- April 18, 2024- Compile field test feedback, recommend materials, present recommendation to IMC and develop course Scope and Sequences
- Spring 2024-2027 Ongoing implementation training
Adoption Meeting Summaries
September 9th, 2024 adoption committee meeting for the course OSPI refers to as Contemporary World History, Geography, and Problems
Please note that the committee has not yet named the ISD course.
The committee discussed and agreed upon potential themes to be covered in a required semester long 10th Grade Social Studies course including but not limited to globalization, global conflict, human rights. The members reviewed the charter, the “Since Time Immemorial” and OSPI State Standards, as well as how to incorporate them into the course. The committee discussed the importance of equity and inclusion to reflect the diverse community of the Issaquah School District.
February 2024
The materials selection committee completed a draft scope for grade levels 6 and 7 aligned to the current OSPI standards. The committee reviewed the available curriculum samples and used selection criteria to eliminate curricula not in alignment with student and teacher needs, district priorities, and state requirements. The committee used the established consensus process to select two curricula at each grade level (MyWorld World History (Savvas) and History Alive! The World Through 1750 (TCI) in 6th grade and MyWorld World Geography (Savvas) and Geography Alive! Regions and People (TCI) in 7th Grade) to field test in March and April. The remainder of the meeting was used to identify additional field testers and discuss parameters for field testing.
January 2024
The Materials Selection Committee met reconvened with some new and some returning members to select materials for implementation during the 2024-2025 school year. The committee reviewed the Charter, goals, and deliverables, Selection criteria for members were clarified, and the approach for achieving consensus was determined. Attendees collectively identified non-negotiable elements for a curriculum, ensuring alignment with the Charter. Teachers began developing a draft scope that aligned with the current OSPI standards.
April 2022
The Middle School Materials Selection Committee for 6th and 7th Grade Social Studies met for the first time on April 25, 2022. The committee established norms, the charter and a consensus model. The committee evaluated and discussed shifts in the new state standards and district expectations. Members synthesized the results of teacher and parent input surveys. Finally, a discussion on how to vertically align 6th and 7th grade informed the development of a draft Scope and Essential Learnings document.
Social Studies 9th Grade
Social Studies 9th Grade Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
Adoption Timeline & Process
- Fall 2021 - Establish Essential Learnings, finalize charter and form committee; review research and gather materials
- Spring 2022 - Review other district implementations, identify potential field test resources
- Fall 2023 – Revisit previous committee work from the spring of 2022, review other district implementations, identify potential field test resources
- Winter 2023/24 - Field Testing and Community Engagement
- Spring 2024 - Compile field test feedback, recommend materials to
- present recommendation to IMC and develop course Scope and Sequences
- Spring 2024-2027 Ongoing implementation training.
Adoption Meeting Summaries
February 6, 2024
The committee created a rough draft Scope for 9th grade social studies. The Scope included the OSPI 9th and 10th Grade Standards (history, geography, economics, and skills), and subtopics for each unit. (The draft will be revised and finalized after the curriculum materials are approved.) Six broad units were proposed. The 10th grade course will be developed and finalized next year. The committee used the ISD Social Studies Materials Adoption Evaluation Tool to rate each sample. After initial narrowing, three samples were evaluated using the revised Culturally Responsive Framework. After discussion and voting, two curricula were chosen for field testing: Modern World History (HMH) and World History Interactive (Savvas).
January 4, 2024
The World History adoption committee met on January 4, 2024 from 8:00 – 3:30 pm at the ISD Administration Building. Teachers representing all three high schools attended. The committee discussed and reviewed the charter, group agreements, and the consensus model they would use. A draft of the Equity Framework was reviewed and committee members gave feedback for revisions. Teachers explored both the OSPI and Issaquah School District Graduation Requirements in social studies.
March 2022
The World History adoption committee met for the first time on March 22nd. The committee discussed and reviewed the charter, norms and consensus model they will use. The committee reviewed and discussed data from both the teacher and parent surveys. They also began work on tools to both determine which materials/textbooks to field-test and evaluate/compare how the chosen materials perform in the field test. The committee looked at textbooks from TCI – History Alive! World Connection –McGraw Hill -World History Voices and Perspectives – Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt (HMH) –Modern World History - and determined they would like to have presentations from both TCI and HMH at our next meeting. Hard copies from both publishers will be shared with building colleagues once they are obtained and questions will be generated to ask at the meeting. The Scope and Sequences/Essential Learnings for World 1, 2 and 3 were edited for clarity and will be shared with teachers. Committee members will also share information about the adoption with their departments and request teacher feedback/questions/ comments to share with the committee.
Elementary Music Adoption
Elementary Music Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
- ISD Adopted K-5 Music Curriculum: Quaver Music (adopted in 2015)
Adoption Process & Timeline
- Spring 2024: Establish Committee, Review Adoption Process, Review of Research, National Music Standards, and Scope & Sequence
- Fall 2024: Draft Scope & Sequence, Develop Selection Criteria, Begin Materials Selection
- Winter 2025: Finalize Scope & Sequence, Field Testing and Materials Selection
- Spring 2025: Materials for Adoption presented to IMC
- Fall 2026: Implementation K – 5
Adoption Meeting Summaries
Meeting Summaries
May 2024
Common Message for May 30, 2024
The first meeting of the Elementary Music Adoption Committee was held on May 30. The committee reviewed the materials adoption timeline and consensus process. Committee members determined consensus to be defined as 85% endorsement or support. Dedicated time was spent exploring equity and personal beliefs as it relates to developing students as music learners. Time was also spent reviewing relevant instructional research. The committee started the process of creating a scope and sequence that aligns with national music standards.
Specific objectives of the committee include recommending an elementary music curriculum(s) TK-5 after field testing takes place in Winter 2025.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2024.
October 2024
Common Message for October 17, 2024
The Music Adoption Committee reconvened October 17, 2024. Parent survey results were reviewed; survey trends and implications were discussed. A draft of the materials selection criteria was reviewed, and committee input was solicited. The committee also drafted the scoring guide for field testing. A list of potential music curricula was shared with members. The materials selection criteria was utilized to narrow down which curricula the committee would like to preview for both K – 5 and Transition to Kindergarten. The committee continued the process of creating a scope and sequence that aligns with national and state music standards.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2024.
Elementary PE Adoption
Elementary PE Adoption Process Elements
Previously Adopted Materials
- ISD Adopted K-5 Physical Education Curriculum: Focused Fitness Five 4 Life and WELNET (adopted in 2014)
Adoption Process & Timeline
- Fall 2024:
- Establish Committee, Review Adoption Process, Review of Research, National Music Standards, and Scope & Sequence
- Draft Scope & Sequence, Develop Selection Criteria, Begin Materials Selection
- Winter 2025: Finalize Scope & Sequence, Field Testing and Materials Selection
- Spring 2025: Materials for Adoption presented to IMC
- Fall 2026: Implementation K – 5
Adoption Meeting Summaries
Meeting Summaries
October 2024
Common Message for October 4, 2024
The first meeting of the Elementary PE Adoption Committee was held on October 4. The committee reviewed the materials adoption timeline and consensus process. Committee members determined consensus to be defined as 85% endorsement or support. Dedicated time was spent exploring equity and personal beliefs as it relates to developing students as learners of physical education. Time was also spent reviewing relevant instructional research. The committee started the process of creating a scope and sequence that aligns with national PE standards.
Specific objectives of the committee include recommending an elementary PE curriculum K-5 after field testing takes place in Winter 2025.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2024.
Curriculum Adoption FAQs
- How does the adoption process work?
- What is the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) and who is on it?
- How important is the "right" text book?
How does the adoption process work?
The process is defined by law, District Regulation 2020 - Curriculum Development and Adoption of Core Instructional Materials, and the Issaquah Education Association's contract. A professional adoption committee with content-area teachers is formed under a specific charter that includes the District's Mission and Ends for student learning. The adoption committee reviews state standards and best current research to develop a scope and sequence and common assessments. Prior to any material reviews, the District conducts an online survey to gather feedback about families' experience in the relevant content area and grade level. After the teachers on the committee review the parent-survey data to better understand the family perspective, they invite publishers to submit materials which they thoroughly analyze against their established criteria.
Materials undergo an intensive, evidence-based review process that usually includes student field testing, expert panels, and comparison of lessons and alignment across grade levels/courses. Once the selection is narrowed to two or three programs, Issaquah parents and community members are invited to preview the materials. Next, the committee selects its top choice and makes a recommendation to the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC). The IMC evaluates the recommended materials to ensure they comply with state law and district regulations (no bias or prejudice, for example), that the teacher committee followed its process, and that the content is appropriate for the students' age level. The IMC's review and decision kicks off a two-week public review of the materials with opportunity for comments. The IMC's recommendation and public comments then go to the Issaquah School Board, which has the option to approve the adoption. If not approved, the District retains the current curriculum until the adoption process can repeat itself.
What is the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) and who is on it?
The IMC is legally required by the state and is the only body that can send a curriculum recommendation to the School Board. It reviews a teacher committee's material recommendation solely for compliance with state and federal laws, the goals and objectives of the District, and procedures established by the IMC. The IMC does not evaluate materials to determine the merits or comparison of their instructional content. It is comprised of 16 voting members and a non-voting chairperson. Up to five are community members from each Director District who are selected by the superintendent. The other members include librarians, special education teachers, and core content teachers. More information about the IMC and adoption policies and procedures is online. If you would like to volunteer for the IMC, contact Teaching and Learning Services, 425-837-7048.
How important is the "right" text book?
Curriculum materials are one important piece of student learning. The best materials align with state learning standards and support research-based, powerful instructional practices. With such effective tools, a master teacher—the most important educational factor in a child's learning—will be able to spend more time on delivery and differentiation than if they had to also create supplemental materials and lesson plans to fill the gaps in a sub-par curriculum. In the words of Randy Dorn, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction, "Successful [educational] programs may exist with virtually any … curricula. While instructional materials matter, other factors contribute to the success of students in Washington State learning ... Those factors include quality of instruction, parent involvement, available supports and myriad other aspects." Luckily, Issaquah is rich in all of these areas. Beyond the materials themselves, a curriculum adoption often contributes to student success because of collective teacher renewal, training, and commitment to best instructional practices.